Page 31 of Light From The Dark
“Not yet, baby,” he murmured into her ear. If anything, her body got tighter, and her breaths came in pants as she started to tremble.
“Is it coming here?” She choked out as she stared at the pictures of damage from past tornadoes that were flashing on the screen. I was tempted to turn it off, but we needed to know what was happening outside.
“We don’t know that, dollface. But I can promise you we are safe down here.” My words didn’t seem to help her anxiety at all as I watched her trembling get worse. I glanced over her head at Ethan. I looked back down at her then, leaned in to inhale the soft skin at the back of her ear then gave it a lick. “Would you like for us to distract you?” I asked, my voice husky from the desire and visions of what we could do to relax her and take her mind off the storm raging outside.
“Wh—what?” Her whole body shuddered as I nipped the tip of her earlobe, then soothed the sting with my tongue.
“We can take your mind off what is happening outside. Would you like that, sugar?” Ethan placed his hand on her thigh and rubbed small circles over her denim covered leg. I wanted to see her bare legs. I wanted to spread them and inhale her scent from her core. I had absolutely no experience pleasing a woman, but I could learn really fucking quickly.
“Take my mind… oh!” My hand covered her tit, and I palmed the weight, feeling her tight little nipple bead to a point in the center of my palm. Her gasp of shock and pleasure sent a jolt of electricity zinging down my spine. “I don’t know. Wouldn’t that be weird? You guys are…”
“We want you, Casey.” Ethan finally spoke our truth out loud. I hadn’t expected to feel the amount of relief I did hearing those words.
“We need you. Between us.” I added.
We had both stilled all of our movements, barely daring to breathe in case we spooked her or pushed her too far. Her next reaction would be everything. It would either put a stop to our pursuit of her, or it would answer all our prayers.
I stared down at her, every bit of myself held tense, waiting for her answer. Sitting there, admiring her delicate beauty, the light sprinkle of freckles over the bridge of her nose, I watched her take great effort to control her heavy breathing, and her eyelids fluttered against her flushed skin. She was wrestling with herself over the fact that Ethan and I were a couple. This had to be confusing. But what worried me the most was her thinking we were playing around with her when what we really wanted was forever.
Finally, she spoke, her barely audible words holding both of us in a state of shock.
“Yes. I’d like that.”
I was movingbefore the last syllable fell from her lips. I wanted to take it slow. I knew I needed to slow the fuck down, but there was nothing about the situation that would stop me from reaching for my beautiful girl’s shirt and lifting it over her head in one swift movement.
Her gasp only managed to stir up the lust the two of us could barely contain. I stared down at the swells of her breasts spilling over the top of her simple cotton bra and couldn’t hold back the deep groan that rose from the back of my throat. While I took her in, I could see Brent out of the corner of my eye, sinking to his knees in front of her. Even seeing my partner drop to his knees in front of Casey’s pussy couldn’t keep my gaze from the beauty in front of me. I watched her take each deep, ragged breath as Brent settled in front of her. His movements had her flesh shaking and quivering. When he reached for the button of her jeans, she gave a full-body shiver and let a whimper escape the lips she was biting hard enough to turn white.
“Oh, sugar,” I whispered as I reached to pull the abused lip from between her teeth. “Only we get to bite you.” I lowered my head and took her mouth with mine, finally knowing how it felt to have soft, feminine lips against mine. She was the total opposite of Brent. I had to remind myself to be softer with her. With him, I was used to letting myself go since he could match me in both size and strength. Knowing that I had this much smaller person under me was enough to have me almost coming in my pants while also making my hands tremble with trepidation. It was a strange juxtaposition.
I was tentative at first, barely brushing my mouth against her soft lips, just a gentle press. When I started to lift my head to look at her, to gauge her reaction, it was she who grabbed the back of my head and pressed our mouths more firmly against each other. I couldn’t resist swiping my tongue along her lips and nipping her bottom lip the same as I had done with Brent a hundred times over the years, but with less pressure.
Something about having this woman underneath me stirred a fierce instinct to protect her. I‘d never felt this way with Brent. I knew he could take care of himself. Hell, he could probably break my neck with a flick of his wrist if he wanted to. It wasn’t that I thought less of her or that she couldn’t protect herself. She’d already proven that she could survive anything. Instead, I thought she was even more precious. I wanted to hold her tight and keep her safe from anything that wanted to harm her. I could be the shield, while Brent was the sword. I knew he wouldn’t want it any other way.
I ran a large hand down her arm and back up to cup her cheek as I coaxed her lips open with mine. The moment she sighed, opening for me, I delved in, finally tasting a woman, finally tastingherfor the first time in my life. As I slid my tongue along hers, I knew I was in trouble. This woman wasn’t going anywhere. There was no way we could even allow her to go back to California or anywhere without us. If she had to visit family, one of us would be next to her, no matter the distance or travel to get there.
Our tongues were exploring each other’s mouths, when all of a sudden, her body was jerked halfway off the edge of the couch. I snarled, looking down at Brent, ready to chew his ass out for taking my sugar’s mouth away when my breath solidified in my lungs.
Casey’s ass was hanging off the edge of the seat, her neck at an awkward angle at the back of the couch where it met the seat, and her hair was in wild disarray around her. But what caught my attention was her neatly trimmed pussy with dark golden hair glinting in the low light of the room. I think my mouth had started watering the exact moment I looked down.
I watched as Brent paused what he had been doing and stared at her core as hard as I was. He reached out a trembling hand, and I just shook my head as the fucker petted her pussy like it was an adorable kitten. Here was one of the biggest, toughest guys I had ever seen, someone that had pounded my ass until I couldn’t walk on more than one occasion, and he was slayed–by a vagina. I shoved his hand away and snarled. “My turn.” It really was softer than I had expected.
Giggles interrupted our shoving fight as we each tried to be the one to pet her pussy. We both looked up to see Casey holding her hands over her mouth, her eyes dancing with humor.
“Oh, you think that’s funny, sugar?” I leaned down and nipped her inner thigh.
“I think she was laughing at us.” Brent looked like he was about to do something evil as he glanced over to me and then back to Casey. “Weren’t you, dollface?”
Casey’s giggles dried up at the look on Brent’s face. I could tell her that he was just playing, that he could be a bit on the sadistic side when it came to sexual games, but it was something she should probably learn on her own. He never dealt out more than I could take, and it made our sex life even more exciting than it already was. I knew he would be even more cautious with our girl while still taking her to the edge to find out what she could endure. I was a dominant fucker when it came to figuring out who was in charge, but when it came to pushing limits, he was in his element.
Casey glanced at me, then back toward him, and suddenly seemed to realize what position she was in. Her hands went to cover her body, her face heating with embarrassment. I took one of her hands without removing her forearm from her breasts and kissed her fingertips as Brent kissed the back of the hand covering her mound.
“Sugar, do you want to put your shirt back on? We can help you get dressed, or we can leave the room to give you privacy.” I watched her eyes go wide, and then what could only be disappointment filled her face. “Or…” I paused as I kissed the back of her hand. “We could show you how honored we are that you would allow us to touch you. To kiss you.” I punctuated each sentence with a kiss.
“To make you feel good. To make you forget about the world outside these walls.” I was tempted, so very tempted, to say more to her. It was hard as hell holding back. But we were lucky she was giving us even as much as she was, and I was determined to enjoy it.