Page 44 of Light From The Dark
“Am I fingering your asshole, sugar?” There was a sudden movement against my balls, and my whole body tightened at the exact time Casey froze. We both broke. Her scream and my shout of pleasure echoed around the room as she squeezed my cock so hard with her spasming pussy that it felt like my come had to force its way out.
I pressed a few more shallow thrusts into her as I flooded her, making sure every last drop emptied out of my balls. I finally withdrew, my legs no longer able to hold me up. I collapsed onto the floor, my back against the bed and breathing so hard one would think I had just finished a marathon. Fuck, I was thirsty.
I felt Casey’s leg brush against my shoulder and opened my eyes. Reaching up with what little energy I had left, I ran my hand over her soft skin and leaned in to press a kiss to her calf. My mumbled “love you” was so low even I could barely hear it, and I vowed to tell her to her face as soon as I was able to stand again.
“You guys are shit at using condoms, you know,” Casey panted out somewhere above me. I kissed her leg one more time before heaving myself back up, having to use the bed for leverage.
“Goddamn, I think you sucked my soul out through my cock, dollface,” I grumbled as I crawled weakly to lie next to her, snuggling into her side. Seeing a breast next to my face, I couldn’t resist temptation and stuck my tongue out for a taste. That taste alone had my cock twitching. I leaned up on one elbow and sucked as much as I could into my mouth. Pulling off, I looked at her sheepishly. “I’m so sorry, dollface. I didn’t mean to. I’ll be more careful, I promise.”
She let out a huff, grabbing my head and shoving my mouth back to her breast as I chuckled against her silky skin. “If you aren’t, you might be getting more than you are ready for.” Ethan and I shared a look. I think she would be surprised at how much we were ready for when it came to our girl.
Ethan grabbed the hair on the top of my head and jerked my face up to look at him, a snarl immediately on my lips. “If one of you doesn’t take care of my cock, I’ll be shoving it into the first hole I find.”
Casey and I glanced at each other with wicked grins. We moved at the same time, pouncing on Ethan. It was quite a while later, when we were all tangled limbs and exhausted but well satisfied bodies, that I remembered the forgotten condoms… again.
I could barely holdin my excitement. I was full of jittery nerves, scared out of my mind, but strangely excited for reasons I couldn’t explain even to myself.
Brent climbed into the cab of the truck next to me and pressed the button to start the engine. He put his hand on my bouncing thigh and began to drive away from the house, the path of the circular driveway lit by lights embedded along the sides. I was too wound up to take in the beauty of their landscaping tonight, though.
He gave my thigh a squeeze, then gave me the side eye. “Dollface, what the fuck are you wearing?”
I glanced down at my black yoga pants and the black t-shirt peeking out from under my black hoodie. I had my hair pulled back into a low ponytail and tucked under a black beanie. Unfortunately, all I had was the one pair of beat-up pink sneakers. I looked over at him, wearing pretty much what he did every day. He had on a pair of jeans that were worn and faded around his thick thighs and other stress points, looking like an expensive pair of jeans that someone would pay hundreds for.
“Ummm, blood?” Blood didn’t show on black, right? Wasn’t he afraid that his clothes would get ruined? How many pairs of jeans did he go through? I liked the way he looked in those jeans, and I hated the thought of having to throw them out.
“What?” He sounded like he was fighting back a laugh, so I huffed out a breath and crossed my arms. I turned my head to glare out the window. “Dollface?”
I sighed. “I thought killers would wear all black.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s cat burglars, baby.” His chuckle had me turning to glare at him, thankful the dark interior hid the pink in my cheeks.
“Well, blood doesn’t show up on black clothing.” It was my best and only reasoning, really.
He turned his head and grinned at me before facing the road again. “I wear coveralls to protect my clothes.”
“Oh.” Well, I felt dumb. My heart also sped up as I thought about the Castle Killer and what he would wear. As I thought about it, picturing it in my mind, the dark eyes that I could barely see morphed into green ones, and suddenly it was Brent’s eyes staring back at me through my memories. I shuddered and wrapped my arms around myself to ward off the sudden chill. I slammed my eyes shut, trying to erase the disturbing image from my mind.
I jumped when Brent’s hand moved, rubbing along my leg and squeezing. “Hey. You don’t have to do this. I can take you back home right now.”
I was already shaking my head. My mind was made up. “No, I’m fine. It’s nothing.”
The truck rolled to a stop, and Brent threw it into park. He turned to stare at me for a long moment while I tried to hold his gaze steady until he finally turned away, opening his door and climbing out of the cab of the truck. I drew in a deep breath and then finally opened my door just as Brent came to stand next to it. He held out his hand, helping me hop down from the seat. Once my feet were on solid ground, I looked around in confusion.
“Where are we?”
He continued to hold my hand, lacing our fingers together as he led me to the door of the small office building that read Lassiter Construction. “My office.”
He pulled out a key, unlocked the door, and flipped on a light illuminating the room. There was a small desk, front and center, with two doors against the back wall. I assumed one was the restroom. The other one had to be his office. When he headed straight for one of the doors, flipping on that light, too, I figured I was correct in my assumptions. There was another small metal desk and a large filing cabinet against one wall. The entire office was void of any warmth. At least the front room had a couple of plants in it.
“Well, this place is homey. What are you doing?”
Brent grunted as he stepped behind his desk and flipped on the computer. He sat there for a few minutes, clicking the mouse and typing away at something. It didn’t take long for him to stand back up. “I’m running a couple of programs that will look like I will be here for a while. I have a whole group of people that will vouch for me if I ever need an alibi, but it doesn’t hurt to make it look like I was here in the office trying to catch up on payroll.” He opened a door revealing a small storage closet, and pulled out two different bundles, placing them in my arms.
He walked back through the office and out into the main room. I watched as he opened the bottom drawer of the desk to reveal a small safe. After punching in the code, he pulled out a key that was one of many in the safe. He slammed the lid of the safe shut and then stood up, nudging the drawer closed with his foot. “Ready?” I swallowed but nodded, my heart beating against my ribcage.