Page 58 of Light From The Dark
“Hi, I was actually wondering if Janet is in?”
“Sure! She’s in the back. Should I tell her who is asking?”
I tipped up the corner of my mouth. “Tell her Casey is here.”
It wasn’t thirty seconds later that I heard a high-pitched squeak come from the back office, followed by running footsteps. I was yanked into the older woman’s arms and held tightly. I hadn’t seen her since before I had been captured. After my ordeal, I hadn’t wanted to see anyone who wasn’t my parents, basically closing myself off from the world. Part of coming back to California was to apologize for shutting out the people that loved me. They hadn’t deserved it, even if it had been to protect my own mental health.
After several minutes of the two of us crying and apologizing, telling each other that we had no reason to be sorry, then laughing at the ridiculousness of the whole conversation, Janet stepped back and took me in from head to toe.
“How are you really doing, love?”
I smiled, letting her see. “I’m good, Janet. Really good. I fell in love with two wonderful guys. My visit here today was to say goodbye. I’m moving to Texas permanently.”
“Who are you going to choose?” The blurted question came from the bubbly shop assistant. She’d been sitting there watching us talking and crying with wide eyes the whole time, not even trying to hide the fact that she’d been staring. I almost wanted to ask if she’d like some popcorn.
“I don’t have to choose.”
She shook her head. “That’s not how it works. Not in the long term. Eventually, guys will get jealous that you are dating someone else. It happened to my sister. She was dating two guys that had said they were okay with it. But eventually, they started getting mad when she’d spend the night with one and not the other. They made her choose, and because of hurt feelings, she ended up with neither of them.”
I winced. “That’s rough. But that’s not the same way our relationship is. The guys were already together before they brought me in. We all fit together, and there’s no jealousy.”
After a long minute, she closed her mouth where her jaw had fallen open. “You are so lucky!”
Janet shook her head. “Mary, if you only knew what Casey had to go through to end up with those two guys, you wouldn’t think she was lucky at all.”
I nodded. “It was hard, not going to lie. But if the end result would be me with Ethan and Brent… I would do it again.”
I walkedinto the house with the key I’d borrowed from Grace. The guys hadn’t known I was going to be back in the morning instead of later in the evening like I had told them. I hoped they would enjoy the surprise. I had a feeling they would love it.
I closed the door softly behind me and put in the security code. I kicked off my slip-on shoes and stepped into the living room, taking in the subtle changes. There weren’t many, but the ones that were there had tears springing to my eyes.
The house had changed into a home in my absence. Before, there had been no personal touches, no pictures. Now, there were small framed pictures along the fireplace mantle. I stepped forward, walking past the couch with the new throw blanket over the back. I leaned closer and realized that each picture was of me and the guys. There were ones of all three of us and a combination of two of us in the other pictures. It was beautiful.
I moved down the hall after taking a quick peek in the kitchen, noting that everything looked pretty much the same as it had before. I paused in the hall and just stared at the large bed facing the open door. Just thinking about what went on in that bed had me rubbing my legs together and my heart racing with anticipation.
With slow steps, I entered the room, taking a look around. I tilted my head, searching for the changes that I could sense were there but didn’t see. There was a new picture sitting on the nightstand. An inspection showed it was one of me that had to have been taken while I was asleep. I looked so peaceful and pretty. It was obvious that I was naked in the picture, a sheet draped just right to keep it from being too x-rated. I set it back down and turned around before I froze.
Where the closet doors were, there was a third door that hadn’t been there before. Holding my breath, I opened the middle one and looked inside. I gasped as I realized what I was seeing. Brent must have renovated the closets, turning two large separate closets into three. They had already stocked most of it. Several dresses hung on one of the rails, alongside shirts and pants. There was a tall dresser against the back wall. When I inspected the contents of the top drawer, I sniffled. They had been busy while I was gone.
I didn’t bother to look in the rest of the drawers, knowing they had already filled them with things they knew I would like. The kindness and thoughtfulness they put behind this closet was enough to have me fall deeper in love with them. They had made room for me in their lives. It looked like they had welcomed me into their relationship with open arms.
I turned to call them and beg them to come home early. I couldn’t wait anymore to see them. But when I turned, I gasped, my feet moving, rushing toward the two men that were standing in the doorway to the closet with looks of love on their faces.
I flung an arm around each of their shoulders, bringing us into a single embrace. Kissing them in turn, one cheek and then the other, back and forth until Brent put a hand on my chin and held my face still. The kiss he gave me was nothing like the innocent cheek kisses. His tongue invaded my mouth and had my toes curling into the carpet. The next thing I knew, he was lifting me, bringing my thighs around his waist. I held on, clinging to him breathlessly as he devoured my mouth. But something was missing. Until it wasn’t.
Ethan moved in behind me and moved my hair to the side so he could attack my neck with as much passion as Brent was kissing my mouth. I had to pull my mouth away so I could take in deep gulps of air while moaning as they both nipped and sucked the skin of my neck.
“I missed you both so much!”
“We missed you, too, baby. I hope you got everything done in California that you needed to because we aren’t letting you leave us ever again.” Hands were stripping my clothes off so quickly that I was naked before I could blink.
“Never!” I vowed, and then my body was moving, being laid down on the bed. I lay there with my chest heaving as my men stripped their own clothes off. I watched, entranced, as Brent pulled his t-shirt off over his head with one hand, his six-pack rippling as he moved. Turning my gaze to Ethan, his golden eyes were blazing as he stared down at me. He lost his patience with the last few buttons of his shirt and just pulled, sending the buttons flying.
They both had their pants off in record time and were on the bed, their large cocks bobbing, the steel in Brent’s glinting in the light. Both of them leaked precum from their tips, making me lick my lips.