Page 9 of Bloody Desecration
If that motherfucker was inside her, if he fucked her… I wanted to get rid of every trace of him.
“He said he wanted to kill me and frame you guys. You and Gareth. He hated you. I don’t really know why, but… he had Erin’s phone. He said he wanted to make it look like Eastcreek has a serial killer, so the FBI would come, and then no one could protect you. He said he was going to kill me too. He saw how Gareth looked at me, and he knew… he knew.” The words came rushing out all at once, “I didn’t want to die, so I… I told him I hated Gareth. And I do—I did. Sort of. It’s, you know, it’s complicated—”
“You’re getting off track,” I told her, and she nodded along seriously, like she understood. “Get back to Neo.”
“I pretended I hated Gareth. I told him that I called the cops on him, tried to get him arrested.” Brianna bit her bottom lip, a gesture that was more tempting than it had any right to be. “I convinced him I’d help him with his plan. We could take Gareth and you down together. I think he… he drugged me, because I was weak. I could hardly move. It was hard to talk.”
It was as I suspected, then. Somehow Neo had drugged her, which had put her at an immediate disadvantage, but she’d had the wits about her to twist his hatred for Gareth and me around and use it to help her.
“He didn’t believe me at first, but then…” She blinked a few times, and then she sunk down to the floor of the tub. I was done cleaning her off, so I let her, watching her all the while. She pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapped an arm around them and held them there. The breath she let out after that shook. “I was weak and I knew I had to catch him off-guard, so I… I acted like I wanted him. I let him take off my clothes. I let him… kiss me and—”
Brianna looked at me then, as if scared I’d be upset with her. To say I wasn’t pissed would be an understatement, but at the same time, I wasn’t pissed at her. No, I understood exactly what she’d done and why she’d felt like she had to do it. She’d been out of options, and the truth of the matter was, if she hadn’t thrown herself at him, the outcome probably would’ve been much different.
“Go on,” I said, even though I knew the ending to this story. The fact that I said it through gritted teeth meant nothing. I wasn’t upset with her. I wasn’t. Now, if the boy wasn’t already dead, I’d be flying out of here in a hurry with the sole objective of killing him myself.
“The clothes were on the floor. The knife was in his pocket. I had to get it, so I had to act like… like I was enjoying it. After he came, I got him to roll over, off the couch and onto the floor. I distracted him by moaning while I got the knife, and then I—I stabbed him in the neck, then in the chest, and then I cut his throat.” She hugged her knees closer to her body, starting to hyperventilate.
I dropped the wet, pink towel onto the pile of her clothes in the tub, and I shut the water off, getting up to fetch a body towel for her.
“Oh, my God. I killed him. I… Ikilledhim. I killed someone.” When I turned to face her, I found she’d started to rock a little, like she was once again losing her grip on reality.
Draping the towel around her shoulders, I forced her to her feet and helped dry her off. She was trembling now, her whole body. “You did what you had to, Brianna, never forget that. Don’t let his death weigh on you. It was either you or him, and I, for one, am glad you chose yourself.”
And I was glad. I was more than glad, even if that meant she had to fuck him and act like she enjoyed it. If it meant she stayed alive, that she saw another day, then I was all for it.
Still, before I helped her out of the tub, I found myself asking, “Just tell me one thing, Brianna, and tell me the truth.” I studied her, the way her head tilted back slowly, the depths of her gray eyes as they stared up at me—less dilated now. “Did you get off?”
That clearly wasn’t what she anticipated coming from my mouth, because she blinked, her eyes widening. “Did I… what?” It was like she had difficulty speaking right then, and that told me enough.
I wanted her to say it, though, to say it for us both, so I repeated, “Did you get off?”
All that left her after that was an awkward “Ah” sound, though the sound stretched out into infinity—or as long as her lungs could carry it. It was more than clear she’d gotten off, but I wanted her to admit it to me and to herself. Mainly the latter. With how much she was freaking out about killing someone who obviously deserved it, she needed to come to terms with the darkness inside her.
It was why I’d picked her, after all. I could sense it ebbing from her, the monster in me recognizing something similar inside her. Fight it however she wanted, the truth would remain the truth.
I took her jaw in my hand, forcing her to gaze up at me when she tried to look away. “Good girls don’t keep secrets,” I reminded her as I narrowed my eyes. My cock was still steel, even now, even after listening to her go on about how she’d fucked him.
Her nostrils flared, and instead of saying the answer out loud, Brianna simply nodded her head. Just once. Tentative, like she didn’t want to admit it. As if she was nervous and anxious about what that meant, what I’d think of her, how the world would look at her.
I would not look at her any differently, and as for the world… sooner or later, she’d realize the world didn’t matter one bit.
Letting out a small sigh, I moved the towel and draped it around her shoulders, and I tugged it around her to cover her up somewhat. “Good girl,” I whispered out. “Was that so hard to admit?”
Brianna didn’t say anything, but she clutched the towel around her body, fingers digging into the fabric so tightly her knuckles had turned white. I helped her out of the tub, through the small bathroom, and into the outer room, where I then took her straight to bed. Yanking the covers down, I helped her lay down.
I was going to step outside and call Rick to see if there was any update, but the moment I started to pull away, Brianna let go of the towel and reached out for my hand, stopping me short.
“Don’t go,” she whispered, gray eyes angled up at me. Without saying another word, she lay back, resting her head against the pillow as she continued to stare up at me, her hand still grasping mine. The towel had fallen open, exposing a single tit, but she didn’t seem to care. She pulled me down to her, and though I shouldn’t, I let her do it.
I lowered myself to the bed. There were so many other things that needed my attention right now, and yet… how could I deny this girl? The short answer was: I couldn’t, so I lay down beside her, on my side, and draped an arm around her, holding her close.
She was on her side as well, her forehead leaning against the base of my neck. The towel slid off her body, bunched up behind her back. The bed smelled old and musty, but being here with Brianna in my arms, I’d learn to deal with it.
Her voice came out small and unsure, so unlike her in every way, “What’s going to happen now?” The question wasn’t specific. It could’ve meant any number of things, but I decided to address the biggest issue.
“Rick and Gareth are sweeping the property,” I told her, absentmindedly rubbing her back. “If they find anything, they’ll let me know. Assuming they do find your friend and her family there, somewhere, and they’re dead, I’ll have them bring the bodies into the house and set them with Neo’s.” I didn’t know how detailed she wanted me to get, so I tried to end it there.
But she wanted more. Brianna moved her head so it rested on the pillow beside mine, our noses practically touching. “And then what?”