Page 28 of His Fatal Love
After a few trial runs to make sure they can trust me, they want me to kill Sandro.
My brother.
Kill him soIcan become the Castellani Boss.
“I don’t need to think about it,” I say, leaning back against the wall, watching Leo dispose of the used gloves. “I’ve made my decision.”
“Well?” he asks, turning to face me.
I grin. “I’m in.”
I watchJulian Castellani dress silently and leave, and then I get to cleaning up the room. I don’t feel the sense of triumph I expected. I don’t feel much of anything, which means it’s going to be a hard night of drinking to keep that numb sensation going.
Because somewhere in me, there’s something threatening to break loose.
To keep it safely boxed away, I think about his reactions tonight. They were And not in the normal, Julian-the-Psycho way. The last thing in the world I feel like doing is rewatching the video from tonight, but I need an objective witness. I scroll right to the point where I took off my mask. Where I expected a reaction.
All that registers on Julian’s face is mild surprise, and I’m pretty sure that was just because I took the mask off at all.
He didn’t recognize me.
The truth of it hits me hard, and a surge of anger sweeps over me. I can’tbelievethat little shit didn’t recognize me. When we met at the docks only days before, he stared straight at me, cataloging my face—Ifeltit—and tonight he acted as though he’d never even seen me before.
Not until...
I keep scrubbing back and forth, looking for a clue. Maybe he was just playing me like he plays everyone else, maybe he knew who I was right from the start—
But then something catches my eye. When he looks down at my hand on his cock, when he sees the tattoos across my fingers and hands...
I pause the video. His face, in that moment, is unreadable. But his head jerked. Then. He knew then.
He knew who I was when he saw the tattoos.
And as I play the video on, I’m sure I’m right—only after he saw my hands did he start bargaining with me.
I feel something inside me coil tight, something that’s been winding tighter all night and is about to reach breaking point. But before I can give that feeling a cautious prod, there’s a knock at the door.
“Yeah,” I call.
Rachel sticks her head around the door. “You almost done in here? We’re closing up.”
I nod, and she steps inside. She takes one look at the phone in my hand and raises an eyebrow. “What’s going on?”
The Cellar doesn’t have a lot of rules, but one of them is definitelyNo Phones in the Sex Rooms.
“Don’t worry about it,” I tell her.
She studies the phone in my hand for a moment. “Listen, Leo. There’s a lot I’m willing to do for you because you make yourself useful around here occasionally, and I like that. But I’m not going to pretend you didn’t justfilmJulian fucking Castellani. If he finds out—“
“He already knows.”
She sucks in a breath. “You fucking idiot,” she says at last.
“Yeah,” I say, turning back to grab my leather jacket. “That’s about the size of it.”