Page 52 of His Fatal Love
We have to pass through not one but two chained and padlocked gates. Julian picks the first, and I take the second, the spirit of competition making me quick. He nods in approval again at my technique and I have to remind myself: Julian Castellani is a tool to use, not a man to impress.
But the more time we spend together, the harder it is to remember that.
We get to the crane and I have a word with the operator, who’s more than happy to look the other way as soon as he sees the Bernardi crest on my fingers. Waving those around reminds me of Julian seeing them on Romeo for the first time, and I have to shove aside the memories. Hard.
We mount the crane via the open staircase, and then at the top, Julian climbs swiftly over a few rails and squats down in the position where he seems to think the sniper must have been nesting.
His tight black jeans mold to his ass perfectly, and all of a sudden my mind is filled with dirty thoughts and my cock presses up against my zipper. I take a deep breath and clamber over the rails, yank my eyes away from his ass, and try to pretend I’m as interested in all this as he is.
Down the row is the crane I stood on myself not too long ago, watching this man here ashewatched the Castellani invasion of the docks. I’d tailed him for days, and he never failed to notice. The thought irritates me now. I was good enough for him to notice when I shadowed him, but not memorable in the middle of that battle on the docks.
Not even as Romeo.
“It was you.” Julian is on his feet again, regarding me with a slightly tilted head and expressionless eyes. I can’t tell if he’s upset, curious, or what.
“What was me?”
“You were the one watching me here the other night. You’ve been following me.” He smiles faintly. “The Bernardi Lion, stalking me. What made you so interested in little old me, Leo?”
I don’t bother to deny it. “Well, the thing is,” I tell him, “you’re actually a very capable assassin.”
“And your father wants me.”
I grimace at the way he puts it. “My father’s clutching at straws,” I say bluntly. “The Family’s getting trampled by Castellani feet right now, but we’ll get up again. We always do. He just didn’t wanna wait too long. So using you was his idea, although I didn’t like it.”
“You went along with it, although you didn’t like it?”
“He’s the Boss,” I say firmly. “I’m his Enforcer. Doesn’t matter what I think. My job is to enforce, and that’s what I fucking do.”
Julian watches me a moment more, then turns away to survey the docks again. “I see,” he says after a moment. “Are you going to enforce me now?”
I frown. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Pity.” He sounds amused again. “I like it when you try.”
“I’m not going to fuck you on top of a crane, Castellani, if that’s what you mean. I might be horny for you, but I’m not suicidal. You already kicked me off a ledge once, remember?”
He laughs. Maybe the most genuine laugh I’ve ever heard from him. “If it makes you feel better, I probably won’t do it again.”
“Probably.” He stands there, eyes crinkling as he smiles under the balaclava, even a flicker of warmth in their cold blue depths. “Leo,” he says. “Can I ask you something?” I shrug. “Why do you live in that rundown apartment? Isn’t it an embarrassment to your father, the Bernardi Enforcer living like that?”
It’s my turn to laugh. “I don’t think he knows how I live.”
“He must. He pays your salary, doesn’t he?” Julian’s head tilts further to one side and his lips part. “Doesn’t your father love you, Leo?”
“Love?” I can’t stop my scoff. “Love ain’t measured in dollars, Castellani. Besides, I don’t want him to love me. I want him to be proud of me.”
“Ah.” It’s a small exhalation, surprise and understanding. “Yes,” Julian says after a moment. “You want his respect.”
“That’s all I’m looking for.” I pause, then figure I’ve earned the right to ask a question of my own. “Why are you so interested?”
Julian looks away, his eyes going distant. “My father claimed he loved me very much,” he says slowly, “but I never had his respect. As far as love went…” He looks back at me. “I had my mother for that. She loved me. And I loved her. Or that’s how I remember it, anyway.”
“Your mother,” I say softly. “She died, didn’t she? When you were young.”
Julian nods slowly. “She was murdered, actually. No one believes me. But I know she was murdered. And I even know who did it.” His eyes bore into me. “But I need proof. That’s why I want to meet with your father, Leo. He was at Redwood the day before my mother was killed. I want to ask him some questions, find out if he noticed anything. The Castellanis who were there are all stonewalling me.”