Page 65 of His Fatal Love
In a way that I can’t put my finger on.
I meetJulian tonight at The Cellar, where he seems almost comically disappointed when I refuse to go into Romeo’s Room with him. “But it will bemuchmore private there,” he protests.
I give him a scowl. “I don’t think you’re interested in Romeo’s Room for privacy. Come on.”
I lead him to a secluded corner of the bar. He sits opposite me, his knee brushing mine under the table.
And I can’t help but think about the last time weweretogether in Romeo’s Room.
“So, what’s the plan?” Julian asks, cutting through my thoughts.
I clear my throat, trying to concentrate. I don’t know why Castellani, of all people, makes my mind wander. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, you know...” He rolls his hand around. “What method should we use? Where do you want to do it?”
“The fuck does it matter?”
He steeples his fingers together, elbows on the slightly sticky tabletop. “It matters a great deal, Leo. Your father wants to make an example out of this target. So we need to take an artistic approach. Choose our paints and paintbrushes, our canvas and easel. You don’t rush in with a box of crayons to create the Sistine Chapel, you know.”
I say nothing, but my jaw clicks as I grind my teeth.
“Are you angry about something?” Julian asks, with what sounds like genuine interest.
“Am I—?” I begin loudly, incredulously, then cut myself off. “Damn straight, Castellani, I’m fucking angry about something,” I say in a loud whisper.
Around us, the drinkers either turn away conspicuously, or leave to find other seats.
“What is it?” Julian asks.
My eyes go wide as I stare him down. But I don’t think anyone ever won a staring contest with Julian fucking Castellani. “Are you serious?”
“Oh,” he says, leaning back in surprise. “Are you angry atme?But why?”
“Because of what you said during dinner with my father,” I hiss at him. “I know you were trying to get on his good side, but you totally threw me under the bus—not to mention Gino and Roxy.” A vein drums away in my temple. “Your mom’s long dead, Castellani. My brother and his girl are still breathing. You can’t spare a thought for them?”
“I’ve done nothingbutthink about them, actually,” he laughs.
“You motherfuckingasshole,” I shout, slamming my hands down onto the table. The bar empties. Fast. Even Gertie gets out, and she looks like she’ll be back with those useless bouncers. Well, let them try to kickmeout. “You don’t care what happens to me, to Gino, to Roxy, to anyone in the Bernardi Family. All you care about is your own agenda.”
Julian’s brows draw together, as though he hears my words and understands them individually, but he’s trying to put them into context. “But Leo,” he says with a patronizing, reasonable tone, “everyonehas an agenda. You have one of your own. You want your father to be proud of—“
“Don’t you fucking throw that in my face,” I snarl. “I can’t believe I ever thought you might have some kind ofsoulin there, Julian. I can’t believe I bothered saving your life. I should have let that sniper take you out—or stomped your fucking head in myself and called it good.”
“I don’t know why you’re so upset,” he says evenly. “I’ve always been honest with you, Leo. I’ve never pretended to be something I’m not. And I think it’s a bit rich foryou, of all people, to accuse me of having no soul. We both know what we do for a living.”
I scoff at him. In the doorway, two bouncers hover, trying to let their presence be enough to stamp out my flaring temper. “You think that’s what this is about? Our jobs? This is aboutloyalty, Julian.Trust. Something you clearly don’t understand.”
He leans back in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest. “Then explain it, for God’s sake, instead of spitting at me like an angry kitten.”
I want to lunge at him. Throttle the life out of him. But I take a deep breath, roll my head on my neck, then look straight at him again. “Gino is my brother.”