Page 81 of His Fatal Love
“It did make things awkward,” Julian agrees. He sits with perfect posture on the box seat of the bay windows, and he hasn’t taken his eyes off me this whole time. He’s illuminated softly by the morning light, which gives a soft glow to his features. “But if you help us, Leo, we might be able to persuade your father after all. It’s one thing ifIclaim to have gotten carried away, then dumped the body. It’s quite another if you back me up.”
I take that in and drop my head to think a little, as well as to stop looking at Julian there, golden and glowing in the gentle sunshine. “You want me to pretend to my father? I don’t like it, but I’ll do it. For Roxy’s sake. But there’s no way in hell I’m gonna let my little brother think his woman is dead—or that I was involved. Gino needs to know about this.”
Julian sighs, but when I look up, I look at Sandro. It’s his call, after all.
For all that Julian Castellani’s reputation had him hating his older half-brother, the two of them don’t seem to be at war. Another assumption my father made that fucked him over. Maybe it’s about time the old man stood down, let AJ finally take his place.
Not gonna happen any time soon. My father loves power more than he loves his sons.
Sandro considers. “Will your brother be so quick to put his fiancée before his Family?”
“Gino loves that girl,” I tell him. “Crazy deep love, the kind you don’t see often. And besides that, he’ll do what I tell him. If I tell him to keep his mouth shut, he will.”
After a moment, Sandro stands up, comes around the table, and offers his hand. “Very well. Your brother can be informed, as long as you can guarantee Julian will get the information he’s after.”
I stand as well and take his hand. “You got yourself a deal, Castellani.”
We shake, and Sandro gives that crooked smile again. “You seem to be that rarest of things in our business,” he says. “An honorable man.”
“Sandro’s very keen on honor,” Julian supplies.
“So now what?” I say. I’m not gonna pretend it doesn’t feel nice to be complimented by Don Castellani, but I’m not a fucking idiot. I still don’t trust the guy.
And I havenoidea if I can persuade Dad to talk to Julian.
“Now you see the doctor,” Julian says firmly. “I heard him pull up outside a minute ago.”
“Ms. Rochford is staying in my personal wing of the house,” Sandro says, “under heavy protection. I...have found it a useful place to keep people hidden.” I don’t miss the slight pause, and I wonder who else might have been hidden here at Redwood Manor. It’s a beast of a place. I remember that much from the occasional parley back in the day, before things soured too much between our Families.
Sandro is still talking, and I don’t like what I hear.
“I think it would be best if you also stay here for the time being, while we contact your brother and arrange a meeting.”
“I’ll contact him myself,” I say at once, but I wince as my head throbs again.
“He’s still in Vegas for a few days,” Julian points out. “There’s plenty of time. And you can stay inmywing while you’re here.” He gives a bright smile, as though I should be happy about that.
“There are plenty of spare rooms where Roxy is staying,” Sandro murmurs. “If you’d prefer.”
“Sandro, I think you’re missing the point of a wingman,” Julian says impatiently.
Sandro gives a small, apologetic sigh, but I’m pretty fucking horrified. Wingman? So Julian spilledeverythingto his big brother?
On the other hand, the idea of being in close quarters with Roxy for even a few days makes me long for the cells again instead. “I can stay downstairs,” I mutter.
“In thecells?” Sandro and Julian say it together, incredulous.
And hell, Idon’twant to go back down there. It wasn’t exactly comfortable, and my head took a real crack from that asshole Jacopo.
“There are several guest rooms in Julian’s wing,” Sandro says, sounding like some delicate chaperone.
“But my bedroom is the best,” Julian says quickly.
“Fine,” I snap. “I’ll stay in Julian’s wing, give Roxy some privacy to think about her fucking choices. But in a guest room,” I add with warning, glaring at Julian.
He beams.