Page 93 of His Fatal Love
He smiles, of course. “It feels good to me, too, Leo.Reallygood. But I want a little more detail.”
I grunt, raise my hips a little, push my cock against his hole. “It’s smooth and hot, and when you squeeze that ass around me it drives me crazy. You fuck like…” I’m out of words. “You’re a champion fuck, Castellani. You know it.”
That earns me a breach of his sphincter, the muscle contracting snug under my cockhead as it pops through, and I give a chuckle that turns into a groan.
“Don’t move,” Julian murmurs. “We’re going to take this slow, Leo. Slow and steady...”
“Slow’s good,” I sigh. “Fuck. What does it feel like for you?”
“What does it feel like for me?” Julian repeats, a little breathless, leaning forward a little to brace both hands on my chest. “Oh, it feels good to ride you, Leo, to make you move the way I want you to move. It feels good to be in control of such a powerful beast, to know I can make you do whatever I want. You’ll do what I want, won’t you, Leo?”
“Fuck,” I gasp out, as he slides down another inch. “Sure. Whatever you want.”
He hums in pleasure. “You’ve got a big, beautiful cock, Leo, and I’m hungry for it. But when you get all the way inside me, I want you to thank me. You understand?”
This guy is still holding me about a quarter of the way in, his thighs barely trembling with effort as he squats there. The tight heat around my crown only makes me feel colder everywhere else.
“I’ll singThe Star-Spangled Bannerif you like,” I grit out. “Just—fuck.”
He sinks down on me in one smooth slide, and I arch up off the mattress with a groan, reaching for him.
“Oh, fuck…Castellani, you are an absolute goddamn master at this.”
He leans forward, face flushed, eyes gleaming. “Not hearing that ‘thank you.’”
“Thank you.”
The muscles of his ass grip me tight as he rocks his hips back and forth, just rocking, his smooth, hard cock nestling into my bush. Yeah, he’s in control, but hell, at least I’ve got him on my dick. I reach out for him, but he swats my hands away with a disapproving click of his tongue before rocking a little faster. “I’m going to ride you until you scream, Leo. Till you’re a babbling mess, and you can’t think about anything but what I’m doing to you.”
My breath catches in my throat. I watch as the flush spreads over his chest, take in the sweat glistening like a diamond sheen on his forehead, the way those pale blue irises have become an icy edging around blown-out pupils, dark and intense.
He’s so beautiful. He’s so beautiful like this, and God, does he feel good. His ass is a perfect, soft, tight cushion bouncing up and down on me and my dick feels like it’s getting fucked by a furnace, but it’s perfect.
Fucking perfect.
“You keep doing that, I’m gonna nut,” I gasp out, giving in completely to the sensation.
“That’s the idea, Leo,” he whispers, his voice breaking as he starts to move faster, his hands running up my chest, gripping my throat.
I’m losing control. There’s a fizz running up and down my spine, making my toes curl, my balls ache. And his hands are on my neck, squeezing, a look of utter concentration on his face as his fingers curl tighter.
He could kill me. He could kill me right now and I’d come as I died, and I don’t think I’d even care, it feels so good.
His hands release a little and I suck in big lungfuls of air. I choke out his name,Julian, reach up to take his wrists, holding him there, encouraging him.
Our eyes lock, his face betraying something I’ve never seen from him before. Surprise and awe and—and tenderness, so much tenderness—
I stare into those strange, pale eyes until the fizz inside me bursts like champagne corked too long, kept too warm, and I shoot hard, as hard as I always do with him, harder than I have with any man before him—
“Leo,” he gasps out, still riding me as he strokes himself. I drink in the sight of him as the pleasure billows through me, watch the way his eyes squeeze shut, mouth open and panting, his chest heaving, the muscles in his right arm straining as he holds himself up and jacks off with his left hand...
And then he erupts.
He’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
I touch him. At least, I try to. I reach out for his face, try to find the words to tell him what I just saw, tell him how gorgeous he is. But he shudders and jerks away from the contact, his cock still emptying itself out all over my belly and chest, and the tangy smell of his cum hits my nose, makes me breathe in deep.
Wish he’d come in my mouth. I want to taste him, suck him down, absolutely fucking devour him.