Page 11 of Blood Kisses
“Anything for you,” he said.
Emil licked his lips. “Dirty little boy,” he said. “Why don’t you sit on my face?”
Nikolaus sat up. He shifted across Emil, straining the bond around his left wrist to its limit, straddling his head and bracing his right hand against the wall. Emil thrust his tongue into Nikolaus’s wet arsehole and Nikolaus shuddered, cried out and rode Emil’s face while jerking himself off, wringing every drop of pleasure he could get from the vampire with his gaze firmly fixed on Severin.
Chapter Nine
Severin came around slowly, opening his eyes to find himself stretched out on the bed, shadows playing over his naked skin. Beside him on his left lay Nikolaus; on the human’s other side was Emil.
Nikolaus was covered with spunk. He appeared to be asleep, breathing softly. Emil lay naked with his cock still hard against his belly. He regarded Severin with amusement. “You still come when I bite you.”
Severin flushed. “I came becausehesucked my brains out through my cock.”
“Of course.”
Severin looked down at the teeth marks on his cock dispassionately. He felt somewhat guilty over the three-way sex. But hadn’t Nikolaus been an avid participant? Nikolaus hadn’t been bitten; Severin had nothing to feel guilty about. But still...
He glanced at Emil. “What will you do with him?”
“What do you mean?”
“When he outlives his usefulness.”
Emil looked at his slumbering pet. He said nothing.
“Do you aim to turn him?”
Emil drew his lips together into a thin line. He shook his head.
“Then you’ll kill him?”
Emil fixed his coal-dark eyes on Severin. “All those things he would never allow you to do to him, he’s now allowing me. He’s not worth one moment’s consideration from you. He likes pain, sex, and being bitten. Apart from that, he’s redundant. When I’ve finished, I’ll snap his neck.”
Pain lanced through Severin’s chest. He refused to believe that Emil was as wicked as he portrayed. After all, Istvan wouldn’t entertain such a man, would he? “Give him to me,” said Severin.
Emil looked amused.
“I mean it. I’ll buy him. Anything you want.”
Emil regarded him. “I haven’t finished with him.”
“When you do.”
Emil climbed off the bed. “I have a party to attend. Go back to your room and wash the smell of the human off you before my other guests get too excited.” He walked into the bathroom and closed the door.
Severin shook his head in disgust. He looked at Nikolaus still sleeping peacefully and reached to unfasten the silk tie from his left wrist. He lifted a hand to run it over the human’s brow. His skin was warm and dry, not like Severin’s which always verged on the cool side. Nikolaus stirred under his touch. He lifted his eyelids, turning his head to regard Severin.
Perhaps he had been expecting someone else because a frown creased his brow causing Severin to take his hand away. Nikolaus sat up. He pulled a pillow over his lap to hide his genitals. “Where’s Emil?”
“In the bathroom.”
Nikolaus swung his legs over the side. Severin stopped him before he could rise by placing a hand on his shoulder. “I want to talk with you.”
“I don’t want to talk to you. There’s nothing to say.” Nikolaus pulled away and stood.
“There’s plenty. Like how you’re blaming me for leaving when I only wanted to keep you safe.”
Nikolaus found the flimsy silk breeches. Severin watched his pert bottom as he slid the garment up his legs. They were torn and exposed his groin. “Maybe I wanted more than what you gave me.” He turned to look at Severin and the vampire stared at him in disbelief.