Page 17 of Blood Kisses
Nikolaus looked at him from under lowered lashes, his cheeks flushed. He led the two vampires across the chamber to a recessed iron door on its furthest side. Its hinges were stiff and rusty with disuse and he pulled at it for some time before Istvan helped, yanking open the door with a creak loud enough to wake the dead.
Nikolaus passed through unimpeded but both vampires needed to stoop to negotiate the doorway, brushing cobwebs away from their path. They found themselves in a dank, dark corridor with a low ceiling. At the top of the sloping path was the faintest hint of torchlight.
“This leads to the courtyard,” Nikolaus said.
“Have you been here before?” Istvan sounded suspicious. Perhaps he thought Nikolaus would lead both of them into a trap.
“Yes,” Nikolaus said. “Some time ago.”
Istvan looked at Severin as Nikolaus carried on walking, bag hefted over one shoulder. Severin shook his head to indicate he didn’t know, but he had an idea.
The air was foul but grew sweeter and cooler the closer the three of them got to the light. They ascended stone steps and finally, Severin could make out another iron door at the top of the path. He stayed Nikolaus with a hand on his shoulder.
“Whereabouts in the courtyard are we?” he asked with his mouth against Nikolaus’s ear.
He felt the human shudder at the touch of his breath. “Opposite the stables. A distance from the guards at the drawbridge.”
Severin nodded. He took Nikolaus by the shoulders and moved him aside. “Wait here until I know it’s safe.” He turned the rusty key in the lock and drew back the heavy bolts top and bottom with a grinding sound that set his teeth on edge. He glanced back at Istvan before he opened the door the barest crack.
The door was recessed under a deep arch. Beyond, the cobbled courtyard was lit dimly by torches at intervals on the castle walls. To the right stood two guards in booths on either side of the drawbridge. To the left were the steps leading up to the magnificent entrance hall. Only the booth on the right could probably be seen from the steps. Horses were visible in the stable opposite; soft whinnying and snickers came from that direction.
A couple of guards stood at the top of the steps by the iron front door. They chatted, both laughing, one holding a steaming cup. Outside the stables stood a hansom cab already attached to two black horses. The steps were down and a driver sat ready. Severin couldn’t believe his luck.
He sealed the crack in the door, before turning and whispering his observations to Istvan and Nikolaus. The two vampires formulated a plan before Severin pulled the door open again.
Istvan slipped through carrying his own and Severin’s bag. As the two guards by the main door stood talking, he scurried crouched across the courtyard and around the other side of the hansom, between it and the stables. Nikolaus followed, noiseless and fleet of foot. The two men at the top of the steps were oblivious. Severin strolled out into the open and headed for the drawbridge.
The man in the right booth stepped out instantly. “Who goes there?”
He wore gold and blue livery and fingered the pistol at his belt threateningly. Severin sniffed his scent. Human. Perhaps he did this job to receive favours from Emil. It seemed everyone enjoyed a piece of the vampire king.
“Hello,” Severin said with his most beguiling smile. He nodded at the other guard who remained in the doorway of his booth, staring out suspiciously.
“Why aren’t you inside?” The first guard asked, recognising Severin for what he was and acting in an appropriately nervous manner.
“I wanted some air,” Severin said. He stepped closer. “Between you and me, this gathering is tiresome. I’m planning to go down to the village for some entertainment. As you can see, my carriage is already waiting.” He gestured back and noticed the driver had got down from the hansom and was engaged in a conversation with Istvan.
The guard glanced at his colleague. “You have permission to leave?”
“Do I need permission?” Severin moved closer. The human was a young man with an enticing aroma. He had a smooth baby-face that looked untouched by a razor. Severin licked his lips as a shiver of arousal spread down his spine.
“I-I don’t know,” the guard stammered, looking once more to his colleague for guidance.
“Come here,” Severin said and hooked a friendly arm around the guard’s shoulders, “and I’ll tell you what we can do.”
He drew the man towards the booth on the left and all three of them crammed into the tiny space, bodies pressed together. The second guard was as young as the first, eyes out on stalks and heart pounding in fear at being up close and personal with a vampire.
“Now then,” Severin said, “I presume you’re here because Emil has enchanted you. He does things to you, makes you feel special. You come when he bites you, am I right?”
Both men blushed and tried to bluster a reply. Severin put an arm around each man and drew them into a huddle. “I am here to tell you I can give you whatever Emil gives you if you’ll open that drawbridge for me.”
The two guards looked at each other with bulging eyes.
“No one needs to get hurt,” Severin said softly, exerting a measure of mind-control. Lowering his arms, he sought both guards’ groins, cupping hard cocks.
The first guard whimpered. He pushed against Severin’s hand. The second man was bolder. He fumbled at Severin’s breeches and dropped to his knees. Severin gasped and glanced over his shoulder as hot wetness enveloped his dick, bringing him to towering tumescence. He hadn’t expected this, but then it was always a bonus.
“So,” he said to the first guard, rubbing him through his breeches while rocking lightly into the second guard’s sucking mouth. “What’s it to be?”