Page 3 of Blood Kisses
“Nikolaus Mayr,” the man said, holding out his hand.
Severin hesitated. The way the blood stirred in his veins, he was not sure he wanted to touch this man yet. But he did anyway. “Severin Murnau.” Nikolaus’s hand was small and delicate. Severin thought he could have crushed its bones in an instant. He felt the human’s energy flow into him. The man was young, perhaps twenty-one. His clear complexion was fresh and dewy. He had years of life ahead of him if only Severin left him alone this evening.
Nikolaus slid his hand free. He coughed and looked away, pretending to admire the sculpted gardens. Severin considered him. A man who liked men and fought his hardest against his desire? Possibly. Severin was sure he himself would feel more guilt if he was human and not vampire. As it was, taking men didn’t matter much in the grand scheme of things. Both would get him killed in the end.
“Why don’t you sit for a moment?” Severin suggested, using his kindest, most seductive tone.
Nikolaus looked torn, posture tense as though ready to flee. Did he sense the danger? He sank into the chair beside Severin. Only the table separated the vampire from having his wicked way. He glanced around. They were too close to the steps. Anyone descending could see them. Nikolaus was lucky so far. Severin would have to lure him deeper into the garden, which he had no doubt he could do.
He glanced at his companion when Nikolaus sighed. “Are you unwell, sir?”
“Forgive me,” Nikolaus said. “I’m tired.” He passed a hand over his face and for a moment looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Severin licked his lips. “The lady you are with tonight, is she your wife?
Nikolaus laughed. “Good God, no. Anna is someone my parents force me to take on social outings. They expect I will marry her.”
Severin digested the words a moment. Here was a man trapped by social convention. “Do you want to marry her?”
Nikolaus bowed his head and squeezed his eyes shut. He shook his head tightly.
“I’m sorry,” Severin said. He was dangerously close to feeling human emotions he had not known in five hundred years.
Nikolaus looked at him in surprise. “Why are you sorry? You don’t know me.”
Severin had upset him. “Forgive me,” he said and marvelled at the conciliatory tone in his voice. He could take this man by force if he wanted; why was he sitting here soothing Nikolaus’s ravaged soul like he gave a damn?
Nikolaus exhaled loudly. “No, forgive me. I’m rude.” He glanced up the steps. “I’m thirsty.”
Severin pushed his barely-touched wine towards him. “Please.”
Nikolaus took the glass and drank some of the liquid. Severin watched him swallow, Adam’s apple undulating, and his spine prickled with heady arousal. His cock filled and his balls started to ache for satisfaction. He had been intending to merely drink from this man but he wanted so much more than just a drink.
Nikolaus wiped the back of his hand over his mouth. He glanced at Severin with a shy smile that showed pearly teeth. That disused heart of Severin’s clenched and seemed to throb. “That’s good,” Nikolaus said.
“Finish it,” Severin said, thinking alcohol would loosen Nikolaus up, even if it would make Severin drunk too by proxy.
Nikolaus drained the last mouthful. He put the glass down and looked at it a moment. “I should go back inside.”
“Why don’t you take a turn around the gardens with me?” Severin suggested smoothly. “You look flushed.”
Nikolaus touched his own cheek self-consciously. He stood. “Perhaps a few minutes.” He set off walking and behind him, Severin smiled.
Chapter Four
Bavaria, Germany, 1895
Severin felt light-headed as they went back into the ballroom. He had had only a few sips of blood that day and it wasn’t the best idea to face Emil and his new pet on an empty stomach. His guts churned as he followed Istvan. Oh God, how had Nikolaus become involved with Emil? Was he a consenting participant in whatever Emil was doing to him?
Emil had come down off his dais. He was walking among his guests, leading his pet behind him on the chain. As they cut a swathe through interested onlookers, vampires mauled and pawed at Nikolaus. They touched his cheek and stroked his neck. They cupped his firm buttocks and fondled him between his legs.
Severin snarled and darted forward. Istvan held him back with every ounce of his strength, pressing him to the wall out of view. “No,” he said.
“I’ll kill them; I’ll kill them all!”
“No you won’t, because Emil will killyou. I won’t allow you to risk your life for a human you knew ten years ago.”
Istvan’s words were cruel but what claim did Severin have anyway? What was it to him how many vampires wanted to touch and possess Nikolaus? He had never belonged to Severin and certainly didn’t now. Severin guessed Nikolaus didn’t even remember him. He swallowed and lifted his head, retracting his fangs before indicating it was all right for Istvan to let him go.