Page 19 of Blood Wine
Stephen got up. “No. I forbid it. It’s between me and him and we are done. There’s nothing you can do by intervening.”
Sam sighed. “Stephen, I’m responsible for the breakdown of your relationship.”
Stephen shook his head. “It was always going to happen. He’s a vampire and I’m human. There was never any future for us.” Then he looked at Janos and blushed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean...”
Janos shrugged, trying to hide the pain in his eyes. “You’re quite right.” He looked at Sam. “What future is there?”
Sam held his gaze for a while and felt deep pain, the same Stephen must have felt when he saw the futility of having a relationship with Istvan. What was the point in thinking he and Janos could ever be together? He looked away. “I’ll return shortly,” he said and hurried out.
Istvan had just returned from feeding when he found Bela waiting for him outside his apartment. His fellow Hungarian smiled charmingly and doffed his hat. Istvan was still rather piqued that Bela had decided to introduce a vampire as young as Sam to the dubious delights of the underground club. Such folly as far as he was concerned. He and Bela went way back, but Istvan didn’t trust him. There was something about the other vampire that stopped Istvan from getting too close.
“What can I do for you?” he asked, unlocking the door and allowing Bela to follow him up to the first floor.
“Have you made it up with Sam yet?” Bela replied with his own question.
Istvan glanced at him. “No. He’s made his choice.”
“And Stephen?”
Istvan opened the apartment door and held it for Bela. “Stephen has left.”
“Istvan, you silly boy,” Bela said affectionately. “The man loves you. Why would you throw away a perfectly good pet like that?” He followed Istvan into the drawing room and threw himself on the chaise longue, instantly making the place look untidy.
Istvan removed his coat and eyed him. “Did you come here to ask me about my private life or was there something else?”
Bela crossed his legs. “Very well, yes there is. The owners of the club have approached me. They want to sort out the whole business that went on there the other night and have asked me to broach the subject of you visiting them.”
Istvan frowned. “Why me? I’ve only been there a handful of times.” There were times before Stephen that Istvan had sought solace in the worst kind of debauchery at the club. It served his purposes but it was a place one could easily become addicted to.
“Because they’re aware you are the oldest and most powerful vampire in Budapest.”
“Then they haven’t heard that Severin is back in town,” Istvan said, puzzled and irked at the request.
Bela clicked his tongue. “I told you before, Severin is not, and will never be, leader material. It isyoupeople look up to and it’s you the vampire owners of the club need to consult in order to fix the bad blood that’s currently raging between vampires and humans of this city.” Bela paused. “All our survivals depend on it. You know that.”
Istvan stared at him. “What bad blood?”
“You really don’t keep your ear to the ground anymore, do you?” Bela’s voice was laced with scorn that seemed less than playful in nature. “Since Emil has been gone, you’ve been so lax in so many ways.”
Istvan bristled. “Nobody appointed me leader. I’m not responsible for other vampires’ behaviour. What’s your point?”
“What happened at the club has spread like wildfire throughout the city. Humans have sought their revenge for friends and loved ones killed on that night by staking vampires left right and centre every night since. While vampires have gone on a feeding frenzy, leaving half decapitated bodies in their wake, often in plain view on the street and barely at dusk.”
Istvan frowned. It was really that bad? How had this happened? He couldn’t countenance this blood bath in his beloved Budapest.
“They will get us all killed,” Bela said. “You need to step in. We all need to learn to live together as we have for thousands of years before.”
“Very well,” Istvan said. “I don’t know what I can do, but I’ll see the owners tomorrow.”
Bela nodded. “I’ll meet you there at nine to introduce you. Bring everyone.”
“Severin, Nikolaus, Stephen and Sam. You have the final decision, but there’s strength in numbers and the humans need representatives. That pet of yours knows how to live with vampires better than most.”
Istvan shot him a glare. “As Stephen already told you himself, he’s not my pet. Stop saying it.”