Page 3 of Blood Wine
The man’s commanding presence overwhelmed the room. Over six feet with slicked back black hair and wearing a black suit and a fine white shirt, he was pale with beautiful skin. His eyes burned like the blue flames of gas lamps, drawing and holding the attention readily.
Sam could do nothing but drink in the fine apparition. Stephen too seemed mesmerised when Istvan turned to introduce his friend.
“Stephen, this is my old friend, Bela.” He spoke in English.
The vampire Bela turned an interested eye on Stephen, appraising him as though he were on sale at the market. He lifted an eyebrow at Istvan, looking amused, replying in Hungarian. “A human, Istvan? Is he your pet?”
“No, I’m not his pet!” Stephen growled. He had been taking Hungarian lessons at night and was able to follow a conversation very well.
Bela laughed and replied in English, with a thick accent. “A shame.” He took Stephen’s hand and bowed low over it, ripe rosebud lips brushing the back. Stephen reddened and disengaged his hand. Sam noticed Istvan’s mouth tighten, but he said nothing. Smiling, almost too oblivious, Bela turned his attention to Sam.
Sam gave him a frosty glare by way of a greeting. He didn’t like the vampire’s flirtatious manner one bit, but then that was only because of the stirring it had created in his loins.
Bela merely smiled wider, teeth pearly and sharp, locking gazes with Sam. “And who are you?”
“Sam Bevan.”
“Hello, Sam Bevan. I’m enchanted to meet you.” Sam ignored his outstretched hand and stared him down. This idiot wasn’t going to kiss his hand too like he was some blushing maiden at a dance. Bela glanced at Istvan. “Does Emil know you’ve been going around making vampires without his say so?”
Sam presumed this chip off the old block had also been sired by Emil.
Istvan remained tight-lipped. “That’s a story to tell over dinner,” he said. “Let’s go through.” He led the way through to the dining room and a hot supper for Stephen complete with wine.
The four of them took their places and from within the folds of his coat, Bela produced a black, ancient looking bottle. He poured three glasses of thick, claret liquid and lifted his own in a toast.
“Well, Istvan,” he said. “To you and your two new...mates.”
“Sam is a friend,” Istvan said, not touching his glass. “Stephen is my partner.”
Sam lowered his head and said nothing. Once he had thought both Istvan and Stephen were his mates. Now he knew better. When he glanced up, Bela’s pale blue eyes were gleaming and a smirk played around his lips. He looked at Sam as though he read every thought in his mind, then for a long moment he watched Stephen tucking into goulash. The back of Sam’s neck prickled at the predatory look on his face. Was that how Sam looked when he gazed upon a human? He didn’t like it. He didn’t like it one bit and he certainly didn’t like it being directed at Stephen. He would tear the interloper limb from limb if he touched one hair on Stephen’s head.
Bela addressed Istvan. “So, I came looking for you during the war and you weren’t here. I see you were busy.”
Istvan inclined his head. “I was in France, where I met Stephen and Sam.”
Bela regarded the two of them. “British soldiers?”
“And you brought them back here one turned and one not.” He waited, as though he had a right to an explanation.
Sam bristled and tried to calm himself by trying a sip of the blood Bela had brought with him. It was excellent, of course, and it set his entire body tingling. He wondered about its provenance and knew he should feel guilty. It could have come from a child, a woman. An innocent who had died a horrible death at Bela’s hands to provide the blood. He pushed the glass away with determination even though he wanted more.No. He would continue to seek his own blood and answer to his own conscience as Istvan had taught him. His mind wandered to the human from the previous night and he felt his cock stir as he remembered those soft lips over his own.
Istvan shrugged. “It’s how things worked out.”
“Does Emil know?”
Istvan paused. “He knew.”
In the silence that followed, Bela eyed him. “Meaning?”
Istvan looked amused. “You’re out of touch, Bela. I thought it would be common knowledge by now.”
“I’ve been in America,” Bela said.
Sam pitied the Americans instantly. He could bet this vampire had rampaged his way through the states with impunity. He looked the type.
“Well, then,” Istvan said. “Emil is no longer here to trouble us.”