Page 5 of Blood Wine
Bela smiled demurely. “Do you really want me to rephrase it in front of our good hosts? I’m trying to be polite.”
And then Sam was blushing regardless.
“Knock it off, Bela,” Istvan said with a warning in his voice. A warning perhaps, that Bela should stay clear of all his friends.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Bela said. He followed Sam out into the hallway where he received his coat.
Sam turned back, embraced Stephen, and nodded at Istvan. Then he slipped through the door with Bela hot on his heels.
Chapter Four
Sam caught an old-fashioned horse and carriage back to Buda and Bela was up in the seat next to him in a flash before he could protest.
“Perhaps a nightcap?” The moonlight glinted off the vampire’s sharp teeth. “I know a charming place we can go.”
Sam eyed Bela, hesitating. For sure he had got the measure of the vampire from their short meeting at his friends’ house. But dining with Istvan and Stephen—even their names were the same, if that wasn’t proof enough they were meant to be together—always made him feel lonely and sorry for himself. He was hungry and not quite ready to go home yet. The vampire’s flirting did kind of flatter him and might stop him thinking about the human from last night for a while—a path he could never go down. So why not? He inclined his head and sat back in silence.
Bela alighted outside a dark little building on a back street behind Parliament, holding out his hand to assist Sam. Sam glanced at the driver who curled his lip in disgust, and took the vampire’s hand, finding it cold and dry. Bela paid the driver. As he dropped the coins into the man’s hand, he opened his mouth and allowed his fangs to snap out, letting the driver see the vampire in all his full horror. And for sure, Bela’s countenance was transformed into a snarling, snapping beast, his bright eyes burning and his teeth gleaming in the moonlight. He roared at the man and the driver screamed, jerked the reins, and lurched away.
Bela laughed and Sam glared at him. “Why do that? Are you trying to get us all killed?”
“He needed a scare. It was none of his business if I want to fuck you or not.”
Sam reddened and said nothing more as he followed Bela to a dark doorway and saw a solitary lamp on the wall illuminating a twisting flight of stairs leading God knows where.
He turned to look at Bela and found the vampire right behind him, so their noses almost brushed. “What is this?” he asked, worried about a trap. Perhaps Bela had come to wreak revenge on Emil’s behalf, slaying the vampires who had dispatched him. Sam didn’t trust him.
“A club,” Bela said. “For those like us.” He smiled and touched Sam’s back. “I promise you’ll like it.” He winked.
Against his better judgement, Sam started down the dank, poorly-lit stairs. The heat grew as he descended, together with the sound of music. He emerged into a narrow corridor where Bela helped him off with his coat and gave it in at a cloakroom. Then Bela pushed a door open to a dark, bustling room.
Sam smelled sex and blood and the hair on the back of his neck stood up on end, followed swiftly by his cock.
Behind him, Bela laughed. He took Sam’s arm and guided him towards the bar. At one end of the room, a raucous jazz band played on a low stage. Couples danced on the floor while all around the room men and women sat at tables drinking and laughing. The scent of vampire was strong, the scent of human stronger. Sam was baffled at this apparent co-habitation. This was the first time he had ever seen vampires and humans mix outside of his own circle of friends.
Bela procured two tall glasses of claret liquid from the bartender and handed one to Sam. Then he motioned for him to follow him. They crossed the room and Bela pushed open the door to another room. Sam stopped and gaped.
The room was lit with red light like a brothel. On every surface—chaise longues, the floor, armchairs, up against the wall—couples and multiples were entwined, human and vampire, vampire and vampire, human and human. Bela moved forward through the throng and Sam followed with his eyes on stalks. On a couch at his side, a naked woman lay with legs splayed while a man crouched between them licking. Above her, a man guided his cock into the woman’s mouth. Against the wall, a vampire fucked a human man from behind, fangs buried in the willing victim’s neck as he cried out in orgasm. On cushions on the floor, three vampire males used a human man who lay there in submission with his neck bleeding and his cock hard, begging for more.
Bela threw a glance over his shoulder at Sam and grinned. He lifted his glass in a toast. Again, Sam wondered at the provenance of this blood, but this time, he couldn’t afford to be choosy. He was too hungry and didn’t want to attack the clientele here. He took a swallow, shivering as the blood slid down his throat like honey. Bela led the way to an empty couch at the back of the room and they sat down with a perfect view of the debauchery going on before them. Sam noticed another black door and wondered if it led to a room of further excess.
Bela put a hand on his knee and squeezed, smiling at him. “Do you like?”
Sam looked around. “Are all these humans here voluntarily?”
“Of course. Don’t you know anything about humans yet, Sam? These lot all pay a hefty annual fee to be a member of this club.”
Sam stared at him. “What? Why?”
“Why? Have you never noticed that they enjoy it?”
Of course he had. He’d tangled sexually with enough victims to know that. Only when he got the right message though, and not all of them gave out that message when they were limp and on the verge of passing out. Then he remembered the man from last night. How hard his cock had been and the sounds he made as Sam drank from him. He thought back to other victims and how many of them had been hard and willing to surrender. He shuddered. “They want it.”
“Of course.” Bela laughed. “At least, some of them do. It’s an incredibly erotic experience for humans.”
“But...” Sam fixed his eyes on the group of four men on the ground. “What happens if they get carried away? Do people die here?”
Bela shook his head. “Regrettably, there are casualties from time to time, but there are also strict rules about vampires taking too much. It’s as much in our interests as theirs. Deaths would draw unwanted attention to the club.” He rose from his seat. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be back directly. Don’t go anywhere.”