Page 17 of Jana's Fierce Biker
Jana slept between visits with the medical staff and the police officers who showed up to ask questions about the attack. She answered as many as she could before she couldn’t hold her eyes open another moment and went to sleep.
When she awoke, it was quiet in the room, giving her much-needed silence to think about what happened next. The first thought that came into her head was she would never be able to live in her house again, and that saddened her but also made her extremely angry. She hated that anyone else pushed her to do something she didn’t want. She’d been independent since she was seventeen. Both her parents were alive, but she’d lost touch with them in the second year of college. She knew alcohol had a lot to do with it, but it still hurt that they would choose booze over her.
Jana also had a sister, but they lost touch several years before. It had always been in Jana’s mind to try to track her down. It wasn’t that they didn’t love each other or were mad at each other. It was their difficult childhood that pulled them apart. The fact that Erica was five years younger didn’t help. When Jana left home, she was ashamed to acknowledge that she hadn’t taken any time to connect with Erica, and she thought her sister resented her leaving and never looking back. Jana had to admit she could have done better.
She flinched when she tried to move, and a shaft of pain raced through her. Her whole body hurt.
The sun was just starting to rise over the horizon when she closed her eyes again and slept.
Chapter Eleven
Gunner and the brothers he’d ridden with on this last assignment finally pulled into the compound. He sighed because he couldn’t remember being this tired before.
He had to admit that the time away helped clear his head. He found that his thoughts often turned to Jana, and the picture of her standing naked in front of him would stay with him forever. His mouth would water, and his palms itch, needing to get his hands on her.
He untied his bag from the back of his bike and followed the others into the house. The feeling of being home always settled something in him.
His brothers always saw him as a hard-ass with no feelings, but he was just good at hiding them. It wasn’t his fault that so many people pissed him off. He always did his best to hold off on beating them, but sometimes the person was so annoying he couldn’t help it.
“Hey, man, Prez wants to see you in his office,” Taz called out to Gunner.
Gunner sighed. He’d almost made it to the stairs, dammit. He dropped his bag on the floor and walked into the office. Both Striker and Feral were going over something, so he waited.
Striker sat back and narrowed his eyes at him. Hell, what the hell did he do now?
“Your nephew called here. He’s been trying to get in touch with you.”
“You know we all leave our phones here except the person in charge of the job,” Gunner said.
Striker tilted his head forward.
“So, what’s up?” He could already tell he wasn’t going to like it. “Are my sister and nephew okay?”
“Yes. But Cody wanted you to know that his next-door neighbor was attacked and is in the hospital,” Striker said.
It took a moment to understand. The fact that he was exhausted and the picture of her being attacked was so obscene it was hard to grasp.
“How bad?”
“Slight concussion, but most of her body is covered in contusions and cuts.”
Gunner ran a hand down his face.
“Who is she to you?” Feral asked.
“Jana is Penny’s next-door neighbor. I met her when she tried to scare a meth head away from my nephew with a hand shovel.”
The other two men laughed.
Gunner smiled at the memory. “The guy saw me standing behind the two, put his hands up, and left.” He chuckled. “It was so cute when Jana turned around and looked so proud of herself until she saw me. She thought she’d been the one to scare the guy off.”
The three burst out laughing.
“The woman is maybe three inches over five feet and one hundred twenty pounds wet. The druggy was not only bigger than her, but he was also meaner and high on something.”
“I would say get some sleep. You look like shit, but you’re not going to listen to me,” Striker grumbled. “Take a few brothers with you. You’re so tired you’re barely on your feet.”
“I’ve been more tired before.”