Page 39 of Jana's Fierce Biker
Alicia came in, stood behind her, and smiled. “The girls and I have speculated that they do mark us, especially in the beginning, to show the other guys you’re taken and to keep their hands off.”
“It’s like a biker ritual?” Jana asked sarcastically.
Alicia laughed. “Something like that. I have some makeup you can use.”
“Yes, I want to hide as much as possible.” She studied them in the mirror. “Damn him, I’ve never in my life had a hickey.”
Alicia grinned. “I’ll be right back.”
Jana was looking for the marks on her neck when the bathroom door closed, and she heard the lock. She spun around to see Gunner. “Hey.”
He tilted his head forward and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Are you going to say anything?” she asked nervously when he stayed silent.
“You left our bedroom.”
She looked confused. “Yes. I wanted to help in the kitchen, and I wanted you to get some more rest.”
“I don’t like that.”
“Like what?”
“You leaving and me not knowing.”
“Okay,” she said sarcastically.
His eyes narrowed, and he took a few steps forward, and his hands went to her shoulders.
“Cut the attitude, Babe. I don’t want you to leave the room without me knowing. You got it?”
She pressed her lips together. She didn’t know how to deal with this situation, so she didn’t want to say anything. They were still a new couple, and she didn’t know how far she could press this biker.
His grip tightened, and he opened his mouth when there was a knock at the door.
“What?” he barked.
“I’ve got the makeup Jana wants.”
“For what?”
Jana’s mouth turned down. “For all the hickeys you put on my neck.”
He scowled down at her. “You’re not covering them up.”
She stomped her foot, making him smile. “Yes, I am. It’s indecent.”
He snorted. “Let me put it this way. If I see makeup on your neck, I’ll just take it off.”
She growled. “You’re being a jerk.”
She smiled when Alicia laughed and called through the door. “So, I guess you don’t need the makeup?”
“Yes!” Jana said.
At the same time, Gunner yelled, “No!”
“Keep it up, Babe. And you’ll end up tied to our bed.”