Page 42 of Jana's Fierce Biker
“What do you want?” Jana asked and then grimaced when he grabbed her arm tightly.
“I want both of you to come with me. This cunt and I have things to talk about, and that little slut next to you can entertain me after. I’ve been waiting for this.”
Jana dug her heels in when he tried to pull her. “Wait, are you the one that attacked me?”
The man looked pissed and started to look nervous. “Fuck. Yeah.”
A realization came to Jana suddenly, making her fight to tear away from the man. “You tortured and killed my cat.”
The man laughed. “Yeah. It was entertaining.”
Jana saw a red haze of hate fill her eyes. She remembered the knife Willow had given her and stuck it in his leg. The man cried out and dropped to the ground.
“That little cut won’t make you bleed out, but the things I’m going to do to you…” Jana said.
Willow whooped as she picked up the guy’s gun. “What’s your plan?”
She looked at Willow. “I want some time with him alone.”
Willow snorted. “I think you’ve got a minute before the guys will surround us.”
Hell. Jana kicked the man in the side when he tried to crawl away. “You’re going to feel the same pain you put that innocent animal through. People like you shouldn’t be on this earth.”
Jana got on the man’s back and used her fists to pound on the guy.
“Your time’s up,” Willow said and laughed.
Jana heard several men yelling but ignored them.
“What the fuck…”
Someone yanked her off the man. She fought to get back to him.
“Let me go. I’m not done!” she yelled.
The person squeezed her around the middle. “Enough, Babe. You’re done.”
Jana collapsed against him. “Just one more minute. He’s the one that hurt and killed my cat and beat me up.”
“He’ll be taken care of,” Striker said as some of the guys lifted the hurt man and started to carry him off.
“Wait!” Jana yelled. “I promised I’d make him feel the pain Snookie my cat felt.”
“And he will. I’ll make sure of it,” Gunner said.
“Why can’t I?”
Willow snorted. “Because they never let us have any fun.”
Gunner turned to Jana to face him and kept his hands on her shoulders to keep her there. “Have you ever hurt a person?”
“Well, no. But that…”
“Have you ever watched one be tortured and killed?” Gunner asked.
Jana’s shoulders drooped. “No.”
“Let me take care of this. You’ll regret it if you do it. You’re angry now, but you’ll feel terrible about it later.”