Page 16 of Raijin
In horror Sabina stared into the thick mist unsure of whether or not she would be able to fight who ever hid there.
Raijin snatched the Incubus out of the air, holding the squirming Being in his hand. He frowned, he hadn’t planned on changing forms, but at the sight of an innocent woman being attacked he’d acted on instinct.
The feeling of violence that filled his blood wasn’t new to him, but it had never hit him so quickly and so all consuming. He’d been on edge since he’d left the Shade. Hiding in the shadows of the club, he counted the hours till it closed.
Claws scratched at his hands, irritated he lifted the Being higher till he was at eye level. The eyes staring into his only held terror. Raijin wished he felt something at the sight of it, but he didn’t. Lifting the man higher, he opened his mouth and with little guilt dropped the Being into it. The screams the incubus released were cut off as soon as Raijin closed his mouth. The taste of blood and bone something he’d long grown accustomed; with little remorse he chewed his prey and swallowed.
The thick mist he used to cloak his true form dispersed as he returned to his more human visage. The Witch remained on the ground staring up at him dumbly. He approached her slowly, at the sound of his footsteps drawing her full gaze. He unconsciously noticed that her eyes were doe brown.
At the sight of the clear brown pools, he paused as the sensation of something unfamiliar ran through him as she stared at him in fear. She shivered like prey, as if waiting for him to devour her. If it was the old him he’d have taken advantage of her fearful state but…He was no longer that demon that had enjoyed bloodshed and death so well in the past. Mentally shaking those thoughts from his head, he continued toward her and knelt. “I mean you no harm.” He said offering her his hand.
She reached out to take his hand but right before she placed it in his. Raijin was overwhelmed by the smell of lemons and honey. It was a delicious, all-consuming smell that made his tongue heavy. Abruptly, he retracted his hand and stood taking a few steps back. Something wasn’t right. Raijin could feel it; he was not only on edge but a single sniff of the Witch at his feet had him craving…He refused to think about it.
“Alek, Malcolm you can come forward now.” He snapped.
“And here I was betting on you eating her, as fast as you ate that criminal.” Alek joked, as he stepped from a cloud of red mist. His long blonde hair seeming to glow in the moonlight, his pale features stark. He walked past Raijin and the Witch, “Well looks like the partner to your dinner decided he’d much rather live, then take the victim with him.” He said, kneeling beside the unconscious woman.
Sniffing the air, Malcolm joined him his green eyes squinted at the large ring burned into the brick wall. “Looks like they used black dust to open a portal,” he reached out and brushed a finger along it, pulled it back and frowned. “Doesn’t feel like the good stuff, it’s like sand. Not fine enough to have been sold from an approved dealer.” Turning around he met Raijin’s gaze, “Pretty sure this was planned.”
Raijin nodded, “If they prepared beforehand to snatch her, she’s not a random grab.”
“Are you okay, Darling?”
Raijin looked over to see Alek was now standing in front of the witch, “Shall we leave this place for better accommodations?” Alek asked offering her his hand.
She took it, coming to her feet. “Thank you,” she said softly. Still clearly shaken. She glanced at Raijin, and he quickly looked away. Something about her gaze stirred him, and it wasn’t welcomed.
“Right, I guess I’ll take the victim,” Malcolm complained as he walked over to the unconscious woman’s side and he bent and scooped her up like she was nothing. “Where are we taking her?”
“Why not the establishment this lovely witch just left?” Alek offered, “After all we do need to speak to the Madame.”
“What do you want with the shade?” The Witch demanded of them.
Forced to look at her Raijin answered, “We have a few questions, that’s it. Council business.”
Her gaze held his, before she finally looked away. “I’ll lead you there.” She let go of Alek’s hand and started walking out of the Alleyway.
Raijin and the others followed. Raijin wondered if he was the only feeling weird in her presence, he reached up and adjusted his mask. Whatever it was, it could wait for after he’d spoken with Madame Lanias.
Raijin could feel her glancing back at him, but he refused to meet her gaze.
“You’ve never killed a criminal so quickly.” He looked down at Malcolm who carried the unconscious woman in his arms. “It’s not like you to make such a mistake.”
Raijin focused his gaze forward. “True.”
“Hmm, then it’s true what they say,” Malcolm mused allowed as they crossed the empty street to the Shade. “Ogre’s aren’t very friendly when hungry.”
Raijin felt his lips curl into a smile. “We’re never friendly, Malcolm.”
Malcolm smirked. “Yeah, I noticed.”