Page 18 of Raijin
“Are you coming ogre?” She queried; amusement clear in her voice.
“Do you think it’s safe to go in there alone?” Castian asked, his voice low but chipper. The willy warlock enjoyed moments like this. The choice between life and death, always seemed to excite him. It was something Raijin had to control, or the man would risk all their lives for a simple thrill.
“Yes, it’s safe,” Lanias promised, she looked over her shoulder shooting him a coquettish look. “I should be the one afraid of being alone with your leader.” Her lips quirked at the corners. “After all, I am the red riding hood to your big bad wolf, but your men can stay right outside the door if that makes them, and you feel safe.”
Deciding to do as she said, Raijin ordered his men. “You two stay at the door until we’re finished.”
“Shit,” Malcolm muttered, he sent the witch an annoyed glare. “I guess it beats being stuck in the same room as her.”
Lanias scoffed, “Now Malcolm you’re the last wolfkin who should speak in such a way to me.”
“Shut it.” He snapped, his teeth clicking together.
Raijin wasn’t sure about the two’s relationship, but from their little moment now he could see that Malcolm was familiar with Lanias. He wouldn’t pry, not yet. He would first demand answers from the witch, entering the room he was surprised that the woman didn’t show fear at his presence. The door vanished the minute he entered, keeping his face clear of any emotion, Raijin approached her.
She rested her hand atop a red painted box at the center of the table. “So, tell me Jackal what brings you to my place of business.” She asked, while pulling a slim black cigarette out. Her back remained to him, as a wisp of smoke came from the end her cigarette. She placed it between her lips, as she finally turned around to face him. Her eyes were slightly squinted, “You’re not here to accuse me again of trying to create disturbances in the Veil are you?”
“No,” Raijin said easily, not bothering to ask to take a sit. He walked over to the chair, and pulled it out. Plopping down, he let himself show his confidence in her presence. “I’m here on another matter.”
She flicked the tip of her cigarette lighting it, “And what exactly is this other matter?”
“Have you noticed your number of witches decreasing?” Raijin asked.
Lanias blew smoke, the tendrils curling in the air appearing almost like a curtain between them. “And why would I notice something like that?”
He gave her a sardonic look, “Because everyone knows if it’s a witch, it answers to you.”
Lanias sided eyed him. “I’m flattered. Is that what they think up there at that building of worms? That I am the ruler of witches here in Veil City.” She laughed.
Rajin didn’t join her in her amusement, “But it’s true, there is no other witch who can claim to be one of the four demons.”
Her expression changed abruptly, her eyes darkening to a black. She sneered at him, the cigarette disintegrating in her hands. “You’re doing a lot of guessing, with little to no evidence. Even with a letter from the Council, why should I deal with your kind here stinking up the air of my castle?”
Raijin leaned forward, closing the space between them. “You didn’t answer my question? Answer it, and I won’t make baseless accusations.”
The two had a long stare off, before Lanias looked away. “There have been a few women who’ve gone missing, but it wasn’t anything worth looking into. They weren’t exactly the types to remain committed and responsible, especially in their field of work.”
“Did any of them know this man, his name was Luther” Raijin asked as he reached inside his inner coat pocket.
He pulled a picture of the recently deceased agent, who’d been investigating the case. And placed it on the table, slowly she turned her eyes away from him to the photo. Her expression turning thoughtful, “Ah, that’s the one that likes Eliza.”
“Eliza?” Raijin he repeated in question.
“Yes, one my dealers.” Lanias confirmed. “He’d always play cards when she was in. Otherwise, he’d spend the night in the corner of the bar on level five rubbing elbows with a few of my regulars. I heard that he’d been planning a deal involving some ‘black powder’ which is why I’d introduced him to a few of my own connections, but it turned out his source was impure.”
Raijin frowned, if the agent had been dealing in black powder then he must have been the one to provide the kidnappers with the produce. Raijin cursed himself, he should have held back and kept that incubus, or at least not be so out of it he let his partner get away. His hands curled into a fist.
“He kept muttering about having to make an exchange to be welcomed.” Madame Lanias added.
Hearing this, Raijin ears perked. “An exchange?”
“Yes” Lanias said moving so her hips leaned against the table. “He would talk about it with Eliza, who told me because he kept wanting her to be his date for some party.” Her brow quirked, “my dealers don’t date the clients outside of the club.”
An exchange? Of what?
“Did she say anything else?” Raijin asked eager for more information.
Lanias expression turned thoughtful, before something sparked in her eyes. “He mentioned that once he’d been invited, it be a breakthrough for him.” She frowned pointing at his face.