Page 25 of Raijin
Sabina tone broke no argument, she wasn’t married. That was over, and done with. Had been so for several months. She narrowed her brown eyes on Raijin waiting for him to continue.
Clearing his throat, the giant did so. “I will say the absence of a spouse will make what we do next far easier.”
“And what exactly is the next thing to do?” Lanias drawled, from where she moved to stand near her sisters’ bed, she brushed an annoyed hand through her hair. The tendrils twisting and locking, until she wore a regal ponytail, her makeup rippled and rolled until she caught a ball of dried dust in her hand. “It’s late, and I’m tired, so if you could hurry this up Jackals, that would be great.”
Those deep red eyes turned on Lanias, Sabina wasn’t sure how, but she could tell Raijin wasn’t happy with Lanias tone. “We are sorry for the inconvenience, but its best we come up with a plan before we allow you and your sister to leave.”
“And why do you need a plan?” This time it was who Sabina spoke, her voice holding curiosity. “The doctor said I was fine. What else is there to do?”
He cleared his throat, as he slowly focused his attention on her. Sabina loosely wondered if she should have given voice to her question. The way the Raijin was looking at her truly unnerved her. As if his eyes were a shovel that could dig inside of her and reveal her darkest secrets. The pressure they applied made her feel like she was supposed to do something. Smile, or frown, something. Anything rather than be caught in his gaze. Was this why people were so wary of Ogres?
Honestly, nothing about the man in front of her was unlikable. His hair was long at the top, but had high fade around the base. It was wild, and held an edge that she liked. It buzzed overhead, and for some unknown reason she felt sad at his attempt at hiding his wild side with a mask.
Sabina’s ears perked up, she quickly realized she’d barely heard anything he’d said. Giving herself a small mental shake, she sheepishly asked. “Could you repeat that?”
Raijin weighed her with his eyes for a moment, and Sabina swore she saw humor there before he answered. “Yes, what I said is that you’ve been cursed.”
“I’m sorry, what?” She exclaimed, she felt like things had escalated out of nowhere.
“You were hit with a secret hex,” Malcolm continued, “We’ve been looking into witches going missing, and trying find one of our agents.” He motioned his chin to her sister, “Luther, who your sister entertained, was also an agent for us but he was killed before meeting the very woman, you happened to help.”
Sabina nodded at this, “Okay, but why does that jump to me being cursed?”
“The woman was a secret keeper holder, when she was dying the Magic had to ensure the secret survived. You were the closest person,” Raijin explained taking over once more. “Think, and try to remember what the woman whispered to you before you passed out?”
Sabina, who was sure what they were saying wasn’t true. Shifted on the bed. “I—she said something like—.” Her eyes widened, as a flair of pain exploded in her throat. She cried out in pain. Bringing her hands to her throat, she tried to alleviate the pain.
“Sabina,” Lanias shouted.
It felt like someone had placed an iron rope around Sabina’s throat and was slowly twisting it. The pain was excruciating, she scratched at it while falling forward. Hands grabbed her shoulders as Raijin called her name, “Sabina, Sabina.”
Sabina’s eyes burned, as she felt her body turned over, the lights overhead became brighter as the sound of buzzing filled her ears. The buzzing soon turned into ringing, as her limbs grew numb. Like a child running from an imagined monster, she ran further into the dark unconscious that crawled at the edges of her vision. She was spiraling out of control, when her vision was suddenly filled with red.
Sabina’s heart thudded in her chest; as her eyes widened. The fear in the red eyes above her caused a physical reaction, her whole-body abruptly stilled, her lips parting as she desperately sucked in air.
“Thank god.” Someone shouted
“Give her space,” was shouted as the black at the corners of her vision abated.
Sabina realized she’d curled up on her side. The room was filled with nursing staff and doctors. Each one holding tightly to their Magic conduit, to better focus their healing hexes on her. The room itself wasn’t the lovely cinnamon painted room it had been before.
The walls were cracked, and glass shards slowly turned in midair as her sister maneuvered them back to the broken window. The bed that had been belly button high on her sisters’ body, was now waist high, like a flat hand had pressed everything down. Even the cabinets and chairs were crushed. She shivered, suddenly bringing her eyes to the one person who seemed unchanged.
Raijin’s eyes met hers, their red hue slowly fading to a darker red. He stood so close, his body bent over hers, his hair tickled her cheeks. His scent filled her nose, of metal and a darker undertone she couldn’t place. She inhaled it, closing her eyes as her body relaxed. After a minute she felt composed once more, “So—, I’m going to guess that, that is the curse you were talking about.” The humor she’d been going for fell flat, but it was better than crying.
“How do you feel?” He asked, still leaning over her. A wall that wouldn’t let anything through to hurt her.
“Better.” She whispered.
He stood, pushing away from the bed and gave her his back as he spoke to the doctor. “Make sure she’s really better, and once you do, let me know. Don’t let anyone aside from a Jackal or Blue jay enter.” Finished with giving this order, he turned his attention back to Sabina a brow quirked. “Now, that it’s been confirmed you are indeed cursed I hope you will work with us in order to catch the criminal we are searching for.” Without another word, he exited the room. Shocked, Sabina mutely watched him go.
“Did that bastard do all that just to figure out whether or not you were really cursed?” Lanias demanded breathlessly, as she flicked the last piece of broken glass into place. Giving the now fixed window her back. “Are you serious?” she exclaimed.
Still trying to regain her breath, as the doctors and nurses slowly worked their healing hexes into her, Sabina felt disappointment sweep through her. Why were all the men around her such jerks?
Tired, she closed her eyes and let the nurses do their work.