Page 28 of Raijin
“Nope,” Bending Sabina, picked her daughter up using a tad bit of magic to make it easier. Kahlia released a shriek, “Now Miss princess, it’s time for bed.” She flicked her nose, walking down the hallway. “You’ve been up way to long,” leaning forward she sniffed her daughter lips. “Is that ice cream I smell?” she asked suspiciously.
Kahlia jerked her hands up to cover her mouth. “No,” she denied, her voice muffled behind her hands. “It isn’t.”
“Hm, why don’t I believe you.” Sabina narrowed her eyes on her.
Kahlia glanced at something behind her, whipping around. Sabina found her sister arms hanging awkwardly in the air, before she seemed to realize that Sabina was staring at her. Lowering her arms, Lanias sheepishly looked away.
“Lanias. I told you, you can’t spoil her.”
Contrite, Lanias avoided her gaze as she picked at her sleeve. “I didn’t say she could have ice cream, I only said that natural desires are important to fulfill.” She motioned at Kahlia, “Who knew her desires are all the opposite of your rules. If you really think about it, it’s your—”
“Lanias.” Sabina nearly snarled.
Lowering her head, Lanias blurted. “Sorry,” her eyes were watery when she lifted her head. “She looked so cute. How could I say no?”
“No. There, easy.” Sabina snapped, carrying her daughter to her room. “I’m going to put her to bed and when I’m done, we’re going to have to talk about this.”
Her sister’s groaned as she followed her to Kahlia’s room.
“So, the only lead we have is a cursed witch.”
Tiller mused aloud, as he tossed another stone in the waters below. “I thought this would be easy one for us.”
Raijin was tempted to agree, but instead kept his mouth firmly shut. He’d rip his own tongue out before he agreed with anything Raijin added, “The curse can only be read by a Vatican witch. Castian has sent a request in.”
Hearing this Tiller scoffed, leaning forward to stare at the waters below the bridge. “I’m sure it will be delayed; the Council seems to think that now is the time to fight my power.”
“They want to get rid of us?” Raijin couldn’t help voicing his curiosity.
“Or delay us, so that whoever has paid them will have enough time do whatever it is their doing.” Tiller said, as he turned around. “Another witch has popped up; this one was actually able to survive long enough for us to learn something new. Which is why I couldn’t deal with those Robins.”
“Three in one night, this killer is busier than a pub. I’m assuming that she’s dead now.” Raijin said coolly.
Tiller only smiled; his golden eyes dead, not a flicker of emotion coming through. “Out of the three theories I had about them, it would seem my fourth one was right.”
Raijn frowned, “And what was that?”
“That they were being sent to the human world on purpose, that whoever is behind this. Wants us to know, like a countdown of sorts.” Tiller answered, before asking. “Do you think it’s the witches behind this?”
Looking away from Tiller, Raijin kept his silence. While he acted the role of leader, it would be Tiller who made the final decision. The fate of the witches, and the fate of this hidden enemy was nothing more than another job for him.
“Will you not answer me?” Tiller asked.
“Does it matter?” Raijin said, his eyes on the many lights of the city ahead. “I don’t decide their fate either way.” He finally looked at Tiller, “You’re the puppet master here.”
“Yes,” Tiller agreed, looking away from Raijin, “but what if a single word would alter my plans.”
Smirking, Raijin scoffed. “You’re not getting soft now are you? We have a deal Tiller.” He said, taking a step toward the other man. Reaching out, he grabbed Tiller by the collar of his shirt and jerked him up. “You promised me blood; you promised death. Have you grown weak after a few years of blood shed? Surely you haven’t, surely you aren’t thinking about reneging on our agreement. I spent nearly 200 years fighting in the Sengoku war. Hearing the screams of both my comrades and my enemies. We’ve only been at this for six years; you can’t be getting tired now. There still many we have to kill.”
Lifting a hand, Tiller placed a trembling hand on top of Raijin’s a strangled laughter coming from his lips. “One would think you enjoy being my dog.”
“I enjoy killing.” With that, Raijin shoved him away. “You came to me for help. I agreed, but don’t think that our relationship has changed. You are the puppet master, and we are nothing more than your dogs. Ordered here and there to clean up your corpses.” His teeth flashed, “That was the deal, Mr. Tiller.”
Tiller frowned at him, as he straightened. “Yes, indeed. Then I want you to guard the witch along with Malcolm.”
“No, send a few Blue Jays to watch her instead, hell those damn Robins could do it.”