Page 41 of Raijin
The other wore a black t-shirt with motley crue on it and her pants were cut down both sides, so one could see the glint of knives that lined the side of the pants stopping where her boots started. Her braids clicked, as she brushed a hang through them causing the beads to click together.
“So, they’re doing what we thought they would.” Lanias mused aloud, tapping her bottom lip. “I didn’t think they’d act so fast though.”
“The Jackals aren’t the type to waste time,” Oye added.
“Are you going to be okay.” Oye asked sabina.
Eyes empty of doubt, Sabina met her cousins gaze. “I already told you once before. I am not weak, and after this attack they are the ones who should be worried.”
Lanias snorted, resting her hands on her hip. “Is that so? Well, I can’t fault you for feeling that way. It’s been a very long time since anyone has been able to attack us so easily.”
Hearing this caused Sabina to ask, “Have you gotten closer to finding out who the attacker may be.”
“Demons from the Underground, Cambions” Oye explained. “We sent a chaser after them, but when he got there, they had all been burnt to a crisp.”
“Demons aren’t the type be killed easily,” Sabina muttered aloud, her eyes squinting as her thoughts deepened. “And why would the person who’d hire them want to kill them?”
“Failure, of course,” Lanias said her eyes twinkling with dark amusement. “Humans might drag around their minions for a long time, but our people don’t have the patience.”
“So, they were killed for not capturing Sabina,” Oye acknowledged. “But now that puts to question who has that amount of power and would use to wipe out a group of Cambions like their nothing.”
“A warlock?” Lanias mused, but then she shook her head frowning. “No, they don’t have a great affinity with fire Magic. And a Chimera, isn’t the type of Being to strategize.”
“Whoever they are, they’ve been doing this for a long time.” Sabina said her hands wringing together. “It’s not long before they grab someone we know or one of us. My secret maybe the reason they’ve crawled out of their cage, but they’ve clearly been harming other witches long before this. We need to make sure they don’t crawl away without paying for their crimes.”
Lanias and Oye shared a look, before averting their gaze. Seeing this, Sabina frowned, “What is it? What are you hiding from me?”
Both witches seemed hesitant to speak. They exchanged looks that spoke volumes before Lanias released a groan.
“Dammit, why do I always have to give the bad news.” She grumbled before she faced Sabina with a worried expression. “About others going missing, a few of the girls haven’t been coming in. Today their leads finally reported to me the names of a few of them and one of them is” she trailed off, before with a sigh she said, “Eliza.”
In shock Sabina exclaimed, “What? But she’s—.” “I know.”
Lanias raised her hand cutting her off. “I know.” Her expression troubled, as she met Sabina’s worried stare. “As it is now, we have no choice but to start preparing for the worst-case scenario.”
“Nerium will have to be planted once more,” Oye whispered, her arms crossed. “That’s another reason we’re here,” she raised her hand out to Sabina, “We need it back.”
Sabina hand jerked up to her shoulder where a long-healed scar hid under her shirt. “Oye, we can’t—.”
“There is no other way,” Oye said, walking around the bed to her side. “I know better than anyone that you want to keep up this illusion of a normal life but if we don’t do this. If we don’t break it, more of our kind we’ll be taken only to be used for some sickos experiments.” Sabina stared into her cousins worn expression. “Our six years of peace has come to an end, I’m sorry.”
She looked at Lanias who only gave her a short nod.
Averting her eyes, she said. “It looks like I’ve completely failed at being the mother I’d always wanted to be.”
Sabina pulled her hand from her old wound and lifted it. Palm up and out, she forced her magic into her hand. The fingers grew long and sharp like knives, she moved her fingers to making sure the magic took full root before she turned her now changed hand on herself and with little hesitation dug into her shoulder where the old wound was.
“Sabina.” Her sister said her voice holding worry.
She barely flinched; the pain was all too familiar. This was the dead end that she’d hidden inside herself, when she’d left this world behind. They had thought that they were done, that the threat to witches and their kin were over but maybe she’d been too eager for her happily ever after, maybe that’s why it had fallen apart so quickly.
As she dug deeper, past the flesh and bone, she felt her fingers encounter something like glass. Grasping it she pulled it out, the sound of her flesh and blood fell on deaf ears, as she squinted down at the purple light that came off the orb that rested in her now human palm.
Symbols of the infinite spell swirled in and around it.
All three of them looked at it, the proof of the time they’d lived lives filled with pain in her blood covered hand. All the witches of Nerium had trapped a quarter of their power within the orb so they could live normal lives. “You remember the day we bought it, swearing we would bury it and never look at it again?” Oye asked.
“And yet, here we are” Lanias said as she waved her hand, the ball flew into the air settled into her palm, the light dimming. “It’s a shame how things go full circle.”