Page 45 of Raijin
“You—.” she wanted to claw his eyes out.
“Okay, okay,” Red mist filtered between them. Sabina was forced to take a step back. As Alek came between them.. “That’s enough of that.” He looked at Raijin. “I’m sure Ms. Clark needs to rest. My memory suppression tends to cause headaches.” He said, as he turned to face Sabina with a smile.
Throwing another angry glare at Raijin, she muttered an insult before she turned and ascended the steps. “Asshole.”
Watching her go, Alek glanced back at Raijin, “That’s the first time you’ve shown such an aggressive visage to a woman.”
Ignoring Aleks observance, Raijin turned away. “I’ll contact Tiller and tell him we’ve arrived and that the ‘guest’ is awake.”
He didn’t see the thoughtful look Alek sent after him.
He refused to think over his actions earlier. It was better for him if she hated him. Resenting him was good for her, there was no need for her to feel the gnawing hunger that he felt. He’d been so desperate to leave the house as she slept above steps, he’d dragged Alek with him to scout around the two-story cabin they were using.
They had come to the outer rims, a place where Veil city aligned with the human world. One had to be careful, not knowing where the human world began and where Veil city began. It had caused a many traveler’s sorrow.
The realm of monsters hidden in the crags and delves of the human world, wasn’t a place that a normal person should wander into.
Stopping in the kitchen, he grumbled as he snatched the phone from the holder. The faster those Nuns came the faster he’d escape this hell.
An Ogre and A Witch
Slamming into her room, Sabina lifted her hand, a whooshing sound filled the room as a bright light grew in the center of her hand it expanded as she lifted her hand higher the ball continued spinning. Turning around she threw the mass of energy at the window. The light slammed into an invisible barrier, it spun crackling and thrumming as it fought against it. The light bright and blue, slowly dimmed as the mass of light spun into nothing dissipating with a pop.
Breathing heavily, she straightened placing her hands on her hips she glared silently at the window.
“Dick.” She muttered once more, “Fuck.”
How dare he imply she was weak? The greatest insult to any monster from Veil City.
Sabina searched the room for something anything to blow up. Walking angrily over to her bed, she turned and fell back landing with a slight bounce she stared at the ceiling for a long silent moment.
After a few minutes she released a groan of embarrassment. “How old am I?”
She’d acted like an angsty teen, throwing her magic around so recklessly. Her sister would have sneered at her if she’d seen her. But that ogre was talented at getting under her skin, and to think at one time she’d felt like he understood her.
Like an unspoken compatriot, and other times, like now. She just couldn’t understand him. Being cruel, and hard with his words as if he wanted to scare her away. Sabina had never been one to be scared easily.
Pushing up, she looked around the room suddenly realizing that this was her first time being alone, since the day she’d given birth to her daughter, aside from the times Kahlia had gone to school.
How was she doing?
Could she sleep without her?
Even though Sabina knew the answer to those questions, she couldn’t face them yet. Her fingers tightened in the blankets as a rustling sound caught her attention. Searching the room for the source, she spotted a brown luggage in the corner of the room. It shifted once more, as if irritated she was taking so long to catch on.
Coming to her feet, she walked over to it. She tapped it’s side, and it gave a slight wriggle like pleased cat before it stilled. Grabbing the handle, she rolled it to the center of the room, and laid it down on the floor. Taking a seat by it, she unclicked the latches, unzipped it and flipped it open to find the inside filled with her favorite outfits.
Releasing a whistle of appreciation, she started shifting through the clothes. Smiling when she saw the T-shirt, her sister had attempted to burn on several occasions. It was xxl, black T-shirt with a grinning witch emoji. She pulled it out, only to stop when something fell onto the floor. Glancing down, she spotted a little pocket watch,
“What’s this?” She asked aloud, laying the shirt aside, she reached for it. Twisting it back and forth in her hand, she looked over the leafy etching in the silver. The silver itself looked old, pressing the button it popped open releasing a bright light.
A circle appeared like a hologram above the watch, the circle spun before her widening eyes as she realized what her sister had done.