Page 48 of Raijin
Inwardly shuddering he sucked in a quick breath before forcing himself to turn his attention to Alek. “I’m going to go fine something to eat, you keep an eye on her until I come back.”
Alek whose expression showed schadenfreude shrugged, “As you command.”
Not bothering to respond, Raijin quickly left the safe house. He needed to get something in his stomach immediately.
* * *
It wasn’tuntil around four in the morning when he saw Sabina again.
He glanced at the clock when she entered the sitting room and said, “Alek, was wondering how long you would hide.”
She stiffened at his accusation, before she huffed. “I’m sorry, but I wasn’t hiding not from you or him.” She added, sending a look to Alek, who placed a wounded hand on his chest in surprise. “I just decided to take advantage of being alone and took a long bath and nap.”
Walking boldly into the room she bypassed Alek who watched her amused. “How long am I supposed to be locked in this house anyway?” She asked, taking the love seat. She observed them both, like cat who’d been cornered by dogs. “I’m not used to doing nothing for too long.” She raised brow, as if to imply that they did nothing.
“If you’re feeling antsy, my dear leader would gladly escort you to the village,” Alek drawled, from where he stood in the corner. His eyes no longer on Sabina, he now stared at the sky as if searching for something. “He is more welcomed in the village below than I.”
“Village?” She repeated blankly, “I thought you brought me to the middle of nowhere.”
“Anyone born in Veil City, would think the outliers is the middle of nowhere.” Raijin said.
She smirked, her eyes crinkling in the corners. “I wasn’t born in Veil city.”
Raijin knew this, he also knew where she’d gone to school, and how many times she’d gone to the doctors. He knew her favorite fruit was watermelon, with drizzled honey, and she hated onions on her burgers. Tiller had given her file to him, but the way she said it made him want to ask her about it.
“Where then, were you born?” He asked.
“Now you’re curious?” She asked, amused. “What if I don’t have the grace to tell you?”
He didn’t answer, knowing she meant to irritate him by throwing his words back at him.
At his silence she rolled her eyes, “My family is from Virginia, on the human world side. My grandmother raised me in Hillsville, country, and quiet. It’s as ‘middle-of-nowhere’ as you can get.” A complicated expression altered her face to something Raijin immediately knew he hated.
He stood, forcing her to look at him. “Are you hungry?” He asked abruptly.
“Y-yes.” She answered appearing startled at his abrupt change of topic.
He nodded, “Follow me then.”
“W-wait.” She said, as she quickly got up following him out. “I’m not that hungry, I only need a snack—woah.”
Stopping abruptly, he turned to face her only to see her stagger back. Reaching out, he wrapped his arm around her body pulling her close. This time it was different from the time he’d grabbed her in the hallway. This time, her expression was soft, and her lashes lowered.
This time, her scent swirled with pleasant tang of desire around him.
This time he could see an answering fire in her eyes, the need buried deep under her earth-colored eyes as well as her anxiety. So different from him, where he was pale she was dark, where he was big she was dainty. Where he was hard…She was soft.
He was a monster.
She was an innocent.
They were so different from one another; their very existence should be abhorrent to one another. But instead, she now looked at him with need, and he felt the urge to answer and give it all to her.
Her lips parted as if in anticipation for his kiss. But the hard press of wire against his skin, reminded him he could never claim them.
So, he fought his instinct and released her settling her on her feet.