Page 53 of Raijin
The sound of a body hitting the ground, followed by a loud groan of pain was how Sabina greeted the morning.
Laying on the floor, she rubbed her leg where she’d hit it against the side table. Her shoulder ached to from where it had hit the floor when she’d fallen off the bed.
Kicking out, she muttered a few choice curse words. She pushed herself up, to squint at the clock.
“Three o’clock?” she’d slept late, that was a first.
Swiftly following on the trails of her thoughts, someone knocked on the door.
“Ms. Sabina, they’re saying it’s time to go to the Council building.” The hag called.
“Uh, okay. I-uh-, will be right there.” She scrambled, getting to her feet she glanced at the bed only to stop at the sight of red on the sheet. Jerking a hand up to her shoulder in alarm, and finding nothing there she released a relieved sigh. Before shaking her head, “Get a hold of yourself, it was nothing more than a dream.”
Running to the bathroom, she got ready to leave.
* * *
“So,this is our little Pandoras box,” Castian teased when she arrived in the living room below. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, she felt only curious about those in the room. She knew Alek, who stood in the corner staring at something unseen, and Raijin who stood with his arms crossed leaning against the fireplace.
Her breathing shortened when those red eyes found hers, quickly averting her gaze she faced Castian. “Is that what you’re all calling me?”
He shrugged, “It’s what I’ve decided to call you today, tomorrow you might be known as “goddess of luck.” His dark brown eyes twinkled with mischief, as he made an elaborate motion at Raijin, “but our boss is growing fond of you so maybe wi—.” “–That’s enough.” Raijin interjected.
Pushing off the fireplace, he walked to the exit, he stopped before Sabina, she could see the upper half of his nose crease. “We’re going to the Council Hall to have you’re curse time stamp read.”
At this news, Sabina thought she should feel excitement but instead she suddenly felt empty. Giving a short nod, she half-turned watching him exit the room.
A hand landed on her shoulder, taking her by surprise.
“Our leader is a being of little words,” warm green eyes met hers. Malcolm who’d been silently crouched in the corner now towered over her. “He will not harm you.” He said giving her shoulder a comforting squeeze before he too followed Raijin out.
Pursing her lips, she wondered if he really knew his leader at all. Raijin, she had discovered had the capabilities of being both warm and cold. And once he took it into his head, to avoid her there was nothing that could be done. She’d been experiencing that, him going out of his way to avoid her at every turn since they’d returned from the grocery store.
Taking a few deep breaths, she followed them out of the room. No matter, she would get this curse read and finally be able to return to her life far away from the frustrating male.
Walking outside, she searched around for the car they’d be taking.
Seeing her, Castian waved a hand catching her attention. “No need, we’ll be taking that.”
He pointed to a black hole that slowly turned in front of the gate. “If we’d had the Council prepare cars and retinue of Blue Jays, our enemy would catch on pretty quickly to our movements.”
“Did you tell Tiller we’re coming,” Raijin asked, as he moved in front of their mode of travel. “I need to speak with him.”
“Yes,” Malcolm said, next to him, his chocolate hair caught the sun in a way that made Sabina squint. “I’ll be returning to speak to our point of contact after the curse is read—.” Their conversation was cut off shortly when they entered the spinning vortex. The one known as Alek, released a long yawn as he followed behind them. He sent Sabina a look of interest before he stepped in as well.
Taking short steps toward it, she swallowed.
“You don’t have to worry, it’s nothing like the real thing.” Castian assured her, as he came to stand beside her. “It’s one of my earlier spell works, so jump.”
Sabina mouth parted in a silent scream when he gave her a slight push.
Staggering inside, she squeezed her eyes shut as a cooling sensation washed over her. Her feet landed on solid ground, and the sound of honking horns and sirens forced her to open her eyes.
The entirety of Veil City stretched out before her, the high spires, modern steal buildings, and crooked apothecary roofs filled the field of her vision as pixies whizzed back and forth in the air as pedestrians made their way to and from work. Hearing the cry of a bird, she turned around and looked up.
Seated above as it had for many centuries before, atop the silver dome of the Council building; was the bright red Phoenix who took flight from its nest into the light of the setting sun.
“Sabina,” Hearing her name called she lowered her gaze to the four who stood waiting for her at the doorway.