Page 63 of Raijin
She didn’t want to go with Lyon, but if she didn’t there was a high possibility he wouldn’t have any problem hurting Raijin more than they already had. So, with this in mind she moved to take his hand.
Before she could take it, another much larger hand abruptly grabbed his wrist. Lyon eyes widened in surprise as he looked from her to Raijin
“Don’t. Touch.” Raijin warned.
Raijin’s hand tightened on Lyon’s wrist as he slowly stood.
Sabina slid from his lap, quickly moving out of the way of the two as she felt the rush of blood lust leave him. So far she hadn’t felt that Raijin was violent in any way, but now; with the enemy in his hands he wasn’t holding back. Had her blood really helped him this much? She’d been sure he’d need something hardier to eat in order to have such strength.
“It looks like my brothers plan to starve you didn’t work.” Lyon said gleefully. He didn’t bother to pull his hand out of Raijin hold. Sabina was sure Raijin was going to break his wrist. The unseelie only stared down at it when the cracking sound of bone released. “You are strong for a bottom feeder,” he said.
“So are you.” Raijin calmly responded.
Raijin wasn’t sure if it was Sabina blood or his anger at the man in front of him that kept him from collapsing. He’d never felt such strength before, especially not after eating.
Remembering the scent of fear she’d released and the feeling of her slight trembling body caused him to hold the Unseelies wrist tighter. No one was allowed to make her feel such a way. When the Unseelie had first entered he’d feigned sleep in interest of finding out information, but when the bastard had reached out for her he’d had enough.
“So, now what?” The unruly creature asked, looking at him gleefully. “Don’t tell me you only meant to break my wrist.”
A chill ran down his spine in time for him to take a quick step to the left. He avoided a strike intended for his abdomen. The air sizzled where the Unseelie he’d been holding had attacked. “Let’s try that one more time, but this time don’t avoid it.” The Unseelie calmly chided.
He attacked once more, but Raijin was prepared and released his hand and retreated. Taking in the size of the cell, and the fact that Sabina was sitting in the corner watching—his brow creased as he watched how she had her back to them, her hand pressed against the stone.
“Don’t tell me that’s all you have.” The unseelie taunted drawing his attention once more.
Straightening, Raijin realized he’d been holding back in order not to harm Sabina. Taking a deep breath, he released a shudder as he placed a hand on the side of his neck and popped it. “Your kind have been considered instinct for all these many years,” He shifted so he faced the Unseelie head on, “then we were too afraid to fight you but now—.” He ran at the unseelie, and drawing back his arm he struck, his fist flying he slammed it into the men’s chest. Using all his strength, he gritted his teeth as he felt the Unseelie fight against the force but one thing he knew for sure, was that his strength far outweighed that of the creature before him. “—It’s a different story.”
The Unseelie was lifted off the ground, his body flying back through the bars. The air whistled as he flew. Leaning forward, Raijin caught himself. Straightening he looked at his arm the pale color having been replaced with bright red skin. Clenching his fist, he looked over to Sabina who now looked at him, sweat beading her brow.
Rushing to her side, he hesitated in placing a hand on her. “What are you doing?”
She panted; her eyes unfocused. “Digging.” She pressed her hand harder against the wall, a greenish glow emanated from where her hand met it “Deeper, I have to go deeper to get—.” Her body jolted, as she lurched forward coughing up blood that splattered on the ground.
“Sabina.” He said his voice alarmed.
A loud cry filled the halls of the prison, “Ogre.”
It would seem the Unseelie was still alive.
Both jolted as they felt the ill magic rushing through the hallways. Feeling an ominous surge, Raijin threw himself over Sabina just in time for a hand to pierce through his shoulder.
He gritted his teeth against the pain. Pressing his forearms against the wall, Raijin opened one eye to see the look of pain on Sabina face. His blood plopped unto her cheek. Her eyes burned not with fear but anger.
“Kekeke,” the enemy laughed as he placed his foot on Raijins back and pushed to pull his hand from Raijin’s back with a slick pop. “So, you’re not only strong but fast.” He lifted his hand to his lips licking the blood off it, “maybe your more fun after all.”
Raijin wasn’t sure he heard Sabina speak she lifted her free hand and placed it on his shoulder. “Come closer.” She whispered once more.
He leaned down; her hand that was placed against the wall suddenly disappeared inside it. Raijin’s eyes widened in surprise as they fell into it, their bodies slipping through and falling into a place void of color.
“Wha—no, no.”
The inhuman shriek of the Unseelie followed them as they fell.
Sabina moved wrapping her arms around Raijin and announced weakly. “Change of plans.”