Page 76 of Raijin
Watching them go, she hugged her bag to her chest. She’d expected Raijin to come with them, but he hadn’t. She looked down at the bag, when was she going to be able to return the robe to him, she wondered to herself.
Turning she found her daughter running down the steps toward her, opening her arms, she swooped her baby girl up.
“How’s my baby doing?” She asked, carrying her daughter back up the steps toward the front door. “Did you miss me?”
Her daughter pouted, “I’m not a baby.”
Wrinkling her nose, Sabina clicked her tongue. “Yes, you are, you’re my forever baby.” Reaching the door, she met her sisters-tired gaze. “I’m home.”
“Hmm,” Reaching out, Lanias patted her on her shoulder. “Welcome home,” taking a step back she let Sabina pass her to enter the house. Releasing a yawn, she shut the door using a tendril of magic. “I had a late night, Harpies kept getting too loud, the entire club could hear the fun they were having with their nymphs.” She gave a shudder, “I had to hold up a sound barrier all night.”
Sabina covered her daughters’ ears, “Lanias, children’s ears.” She chided, as she made her way into the living room, letting her bag slip to the couch. Looking down at Kahlia she asked aloud, “I wonder how many new words you’ve learned with me being gone.”
Blinking tiredly, Lanias waved away her concern. “She’ll eventually know everything, why hide it?”
Glaring at her sister, Sabina held herself back from kicking her. “Maybe to keep her little mind innocent?”
“Humph,” her sister grumbled, walking toward the hallway, “well why don’t you hear about her first kiss then.”
Surprised, Sabina jerked her head toward Kahlia who was glaring after Lanias. “Aunty, you said you wouldn’t tell.”
Eyes widening in alarm, Sabina hurriedly walked to Kahlia’s room and sat her on the bed. Kneeling she placed her arms on both sides of her daughter. “Kahlia Marie Clark, we do not keep secrets from each other. Tell me right this minute, who did you kiss?”
Her daughter ducked her head, flushing.
Alarmed Sabina leaned back. This wasn’t okay, her baby girl wasn’t supposed to be falling in love. She was like six, she didn’t even know what love was. Feeling all types of emotions, Sabina released a heavy breath. “Kahlia, who did you kiss?”
Her daughter brought her head up and offered Sabina a shy smile. “I didn’t kiss him, he kissed me,” she leaned forward, and tapped Sabina cheek, “right here.” She giggled, her body giving an interesting visual of laughter. “He said I was his mate,” she frowned, looking at her mom in confusion. “What’s a mate?”
“Oh no-, oh no no no.”
This was result of her not being at home, trying to keep herself calm Sabina asked, her voice strained, “What’s this little boy name?”
Kahlia shrugged, “He doesn’t go to my school, he was in the park when Aunty took me to play.”
Releasing a sigh of relief, Sabina let her head drop. There was little chance of her daughter running into that precocious boy again. She wondered who’d taught the little bugger such complicated word like “mate”. It was a very dangerous word to be tossing around in Veil City. Laying a hand on her daughter’s head, she rubbed it.
“Mommy stop,” she ignored her daughters laughing cry, watching as Kahlia’s hair slip from her ponytail and became a mass of curls around her head. “Mommy, my ponytail.”
Cupping her daughters head, she drew her close pressing her forehead against hers. “Listen Kahlia, you shouldn’t let just anyone kiss you.”
“Why?” her daughter asked, her eyes wide and curious.
“Well, because you should only kiss the person you love.”
Kahlias face screwed up in confusion, “But you kissed daddy all the time, and now you’re not together.”
Leave it to a child to call you out on your own bull shit, Sabina thought. She tried to come up with something, “Yes, but I loved him and then I didn’t love him. So, I kissed daddy a lot before and now I don’t.”
Pulling back, she tapped her daughter’s cheek, “but you love mommy and daddy right?”
Kahlia head bobbed, her curls bouncing. “This much,” she spread her arms wide, “I love you both this much.”
Smiling softly, Sabina took her hand and settled them in her daughter’s lap. “Exactly, so you should only let us kiss you and you should only kiss us, and your aunties but that’s it. No strangers, okay?”
“Okay, mommy.” Kahlia said in agreement.