Page 78 of Raijin
“Shade, once again is the center of this.”
“Not as surprised as I should be,” Malcolm said lowering his hand from his nose, “That place is like the epicenter to this shit.” He looked at Raijin, “what do you want to do?”
Raijin thought it over, “Call Alek and switch out with him guarding Sabina, and have him go to the club and see if he can find Jameison, he also had connections with Luther.”
“I’ll go.”
Both Raijin, and Malcolm looked at Castian, “and why is that?” Raijin demanded.
Castian smiled, though it didn’t reach his eyes. “Wouldn’t it be better, than having Alek provoke that witch into murder. Plus, you’re not really thinking of leaving Sabina without a guard for even a second are you?”
Hearing this, caused Raijin to think it over before he gave a short nod. “Fine, but don’t get caught by anyone even those witches.”
“That’s not an issue, the whole place is surrounded with my medium.” He bragged, before walking over to the banister and hopping on it, he slid down. Avoiding the ten bodies laid out on the steps. “See you two later.”
Watching him go, Malcolm turned to Raijin. “It’s been four days, and not once have you gone to see her.”
Tensing, Raiijn kept his voice empty of emotion. “Your point?”
“It’s not good to deny yourself your mate.”
Freezing, Raijin didn’t move an inch instead he said. “You’re wrong.”
Moving once again, he continued. “Monsters like us don’t have mates. And even if we did, would you really want me to claim her when my hands are covered in blood?”
“Hmm, maybe you have a point.” Malcolm mused aloud, following him. “The again, a mate is the one person who will accept you even if you were drenched in the blood of innocent people.”
Raijin decided against openly scoffing at Malcolm’s words, the man grew up in a society convinced their mates were everything. Raijin had been abandoned and left to rot inside of a cave. Mate? That was bull shit, Sabina wasn’t his mate, that would only be a curse for them both.
“Let’s hurry up, the faster we move the faster this shit can be over.” He said changing the subject.
“Mommy I want to go to the park.”
Shabina pretended not to notice her baby girl was bouncing on thin air, she really should scold her, but she couldn’t bring herself too. She instead focused on the grilled cheese sandwich she was making. It was a Friday, and she was again trying to distract herself from the weird longing she felt. It was starting to get ridiculous.
The ogre hadn’t shown his face for a week. She’d seen her guards, even Alek, Malcolm and Castian, but the person she wanted to see the most hadn’t shown his face at all. She was dying to hit him, scream at him. Hell, she would have, if she had a way to contact him but nothing.
Who kissed your socks off and then bounced, it wasn’t fair. Here she was feeling like some innocent from highschool waiting for even a glimpse of her crush. And he was gods knows where living his best fucking life.
Okay, maybe he wasn’t but still, the man could have at least said something to her.
Like, “I don’t think we’ll work out.” Or “I was only in it for the kiss and maybe some ass.”
Shit, he could have at least left her with memories of good dick. No, here she was lingering and yearning over what could’ve been and then hating herself for even thinking about it.
Jumping slightly, Shabina caught the spatula mid-air with an unseen hand. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw that Kahlia had gotten stuck midair herself. Her arms flailing as she tried to turn right side up, her brown eyes wide with distress. “Mom, I can’t turn around.”
Unable to hold back her laughter, Sabina smiled as she lowered her daughter to the couch and the spatula to the counter. “Which is why, you shouldn’t do every spell Aunt Lanias teaches you.”
Pouting, Kahlia crossed her arms, “I have to practice, if I don’t want to be a boring human.”
Hearing this, Sabina knew she needed to cut some of the time Kahlia spent with her sister.
Lanias, would have her daughter cursing boys and shocking little girls in no time. And while, her husband knew about her power and had a pass to move through the Veil, for emergencies. Not all humans were aware, and she had every intention of allowing Kahlia to go to a regular human school. “Well, it seems you’ll have to be a boring human for now.” Turning her back to her daughter, she grabbed the pan up and motioned to the bowl that had been seating on the stove top, keeping the tomato soup warm. It rose slowly, before vanishing and appearing on the dinner table.