Page 81 of Raijin
Irritated, that she felt better in his arms, Sabina turned her head away. “Good.” She held her daughter close to her, “You don’t have to carry us.”
“No, I do.” He said once again his tone clipped.
She gritted her teeth, instead of answering she let him carry her and her daughter to the car.
She would give him a piece of her mind later.
“I’m glad I called over Dr. Roy,” Lanias said, as she watched the doctor heal her sister. “Going to the hospital every time you were attacked was starting to get tiring.” She complained.
“It’s better not to go,” Malcolm said, from where he stood near the door. “The enemy has obviously given up acting in secret, they made a move in the middle of the day.”
“They’re growing impatient, they must have learned that we now know the date of release for the curse,” Castian mused aloud, “Now more than ever they want Sabina.”
“Well, they can’t have her,” Lanias said, clearly irritated. “And obviously we can’t trust your guards to protect her. This is the second time they’ve been taken out so easily. If I didn’t know any better I would think you’re trying to make it easy for them.” She accused.
“We weren’t expecting them to attack during the day.” Alek explained, looking at Lanias. “We expected them to strike closer at night, which is why we place more guards then.”
“At least this proves that the leak, only can report our movements, but nothing in detail.” Castian finished.
Raijin hadn’t spoken a single word the entire time. Instead he stood at the door, his eyes focused on the women who’d been quiet as well. If the others felt the tension between the two no one said anything.
“There,” Dr. Roy exclaimed, replacing his wand into his pocket, he turned to Lanias fixing his monocles. “I’ll be back in two days to ensure there isn’t any reactions, usually being stabbed by a demon would require more care but she only bares scratches, for now she should rest. And,” he said in a chiding voice, “she has to stop stressing her use of magic.”
“Yes doctor,” Lanias motioned to the door, “Let me walk you out.”
He nodded, and the two left the room.
“Malcolm, Alek and Castian,” All three perked up at being called by Raijin, “Leave, I need to speak with her alone.”
The three shared a look, before they left too shutting the door behind them.
“You know what you did wrong?” he demanded.
Sabina didn’t look at him. “Wrong?”
“You should never have left the house,” Raijin said, pushing off the wall. “The chances of them attacking increase when you leave these four walls. What were you thinking?”
“I was thinking it had been quiet these last few days, so taking my daughter to a park wouldn’t hurt.” She said her eyes looking at her lap.
His anger increasing, he glared at her, “Obviously your assumption was wrong.” He snapped, “Your daughter’s wounds are your fault.”
“Do you think I don’t know that,” she cut him off with a scream. Her hands curled into her blanket. She bowed her head, “You don’t know how many times I wished that I hadn’t saved that damn woman or met you.” She glared at him. “If it wasn’t for my immature desire to take a stroll down memory lane, this shit would never have happened.”
She was so tired of pretending she was okay. She was sick of secrets and this fucking desire to be closer to the man who so clearly didn’t think of her the same way. She was sick of seeing her daughter hurt. “Do you honestly think I don’t know? Trust me I wish none of this crapt had happened. I wish I didn’t suffer from this need to see you, I wish we’d never met each other. There are so many things I wished never happened but here we are.” She released a mocking laugh. “I bet you’re the same, I bet you wish you weren’t landed with such a ridiculous woman.”
Her eyes were filled with tears, as she cried. “What’s happening to my life?”
She wanted to see him?
Suddenly his anger melted away and he walked to her side, laying his hand on her hand he knelt.
Her hands were smaller than his, they trembled from where she gripped the covers.