Page 83 of Raijin
Turning on his heel, he raced out of the room leaving her to stare after him in shocked confusion.
“So, let me get this straight, that big ogre loves you?” Lanias mused aloud.
Sabina sorely wished she had someone, anyone other than her sister to talk to about the matters of the heart. But her best friend was her sister, so she sat on the couch holding a steaming cup of lavender tea having already put Kahlia to bed, asking for romance advise.
Her sister released a groan, walking from around the back of the couch, taking a seat she stared at Sabina with doubt. “Are you sure that’s what he said?”
“Yes,” Sabina snapped irritated, “I told you, he said it and then ran.”
“Well, you’re timing is lousy that’s for sure,” Lanias announced taking a sip of her tea, “I mean, we’re hunting down an old enemy, you’re carrying around a secret people are willing to kill for and he’s, well he’s a whole box of worms in his own right.”
“I know,” she moaned, hiding her face behind her cup of tea. “I know this is the worse time to be falling for someone.”
“Wait,” her sister exclaimed her eyes narrowing on her, “you never said anything about feeling the same way.”
“I don’t know.” Sabina finally admitted, “I want to say, it’s only “like” right now but, when I think of never seeing him again.” She shook her head, frowning. “My stomach starts to feel weird, it’s like highschool all over again.”
Side-eyeing her little sister, Lanias thought over her next words. “So, do you believe him?”
“Believe who?” Sabina asked, lifting her head.
“The Ogre,” Lanias answered, “Do you think you two can’t be?”
Sabina mulled over her sister question, did she think it could work out between her and Raijin. Realistically, no. She was just getting her life together, if she hadn’t ever tried to save that woman she’d still be working her shifts at the Shade and saving up for school and an apartment. Praying that her dick ex wouldn’t stop paying the child support.
Yet, a part of her didn’t care about all that. She wanted to have her Ogre by her side.Her ogre?Shefrowned. “Again, it’s hard to say. Apart of me, thinks nothing of being with him and the other side, the realist side isn’t so lenient.”
“Sounds like you’ve already decided on what you want to do, but can’t face it yet.” Lanias said, placing her cup on the coffee table beside them. “Your responsibilities and Kahlia keep you from taking the leap.”
“Lanias, you should be convincing me to stop this, whatever ‘this’ is.” Sabina complained, “I’ve already lied to him, and our missions are at odds.”
“Mission?” Lanias drawled, “Sabina, the only thing your mission entails is staying safe. You’ve given us back what we needed, me, Oye and the others have it from here. We’ll deal with Clinger and find out what happened to Eliza, those things you’ve left behind.”
“No buts, you’re a mother now and no matter that thing on your wrist. You can do what you want, a witch only lives once you know.” She shrugged; her obsidian eyes flickered with mischief. “If the ogre falls for you, that’s one less loyal man to that annoying council man. Imagine Raijin on our side, you won’t have to keep lying to him about the curse.”
Staring at her wrist, Sabin agreed. “Maybe your right.”
“Still, that doesn’t mean you should confess everything to him right away. Right now, you’re only trying to get him to take the next step with you.”
She rolled her eyes at Lanias, “How am I supposed to stop a man of nearly 7’0 height, and nearly two hundred fifty pounds of muscle from running away.”
“Oh god, are you sure we’re sisters,” Lanias complained, snapping her fingers so that the tea pot floated over to them from the stove top. “Magic of course, lock him in the room with you.”
“Again, when? He’s made it clear he doesn’t want anything to do with me. And we’re being watched 24/7.” Sabina reminded her.
Lanias clicked her tongue, “If those idiot Blue Jays can’t stop demons from coming in, what’s stopping a Shade witch form leaving?” She said giving Sabina a significant look.
“No—,” Sabina glanced at the clock, it was near 12:30, “It’s not possible, I don’t even know where he lives.”
“Here,” Lanias said a piece of paper appearing between her fingers.
Staring at it blankly, after a beat of hesitation Sabina finally reached out for it. “I shouldn’t.”