Page 88 of Raijin
Confused, she did so, laying her hand in his. Closing his finger around her hand, he lifted it and brought it to his lips. She felt her heat kick up, drawing her hand back he stared at her with quiet intensity, “Now, your mine.”
Instead of feeling weird, and wanting to fight his claim. After all, she was a recent divorcee she instead, wanted to bob her head dumbly. Mentally shaking herself, she spoke. “What about what you said earlier, about wanting to eat me.”
He smirked, “It would seem I’m more vampire than ogre when it comes to you.”
She blinked in confusion, before she remembered the sensation of his teeth digging into her neck. “You bit me.”
He nodded, her eyes going to teeth marks at the bend of her shoulder. “And that was enough.” Returning his eyes to her face, he added. “Ever since then, I haven’t felt a bit of hunger, well not a hunger toward food anyway.”
“Okay, but we still have a man after me.”
His expression turned black. “They won’t touch you.”
Silently she took in his expression, and pulling her hand from his she got out of her chair, and walked around to his side hugging him from behind, she leaned cheek against the back of his head. “For some reason I want to believe you.”
He patted her arm, “You’re my mate, you should always trust me.”
She hummed, until the words penetrated her mind fully. Drawing back, she found herself screaming once again.
* * *
So maybe she’doverreacted at learning that a; she was Raijin mate, and b; that ogre had mates. It wasn’t exactly in her curriculum in college. Sure, vampires, lykans, werewolves, wolfkin and shifters and the list went on, on the beings well known for being the mating type.
But Raijin, an ogre, no she’d never, ever heard of them mating up or off. Still, to be fair there weren’t exactly many of Raijin’s kind walking around Veil City, since many of his people he’d explained remained in the human world living on their ancestor’s land in Japan.
When she’d tried to ask more questions about that he’d clammed up.
Now they were sitting in an awkward silence in his car, his hand sitting in her lap and their fingers intertwined. The silence grew and transformed into something comforting. She wasn’t sure what the next step would be, but if it included him she was okay.
As he drove her up to the front of her sisters town house, she felt her stomach drop. “What’s this?”
The entire front of the townhouse was blackened as if someone had thrown a fire ball at it. Barely letting Raijin Park, Sabina unlocked the door and jumped from the still moving car.
She ignored Raijin calling her name, as she ran toward her house squeezing between people, as a crowd had gathered in front of the steps. Running up them, she could only pray that nothing had happened to Kahlia or Lanias. Slamming the door open, she entered searching.
“Kahlia,” she ran toward the living room, seeing no one she headed for the hallway. “Lanias.”
Coming to the stairs, she ascended ignoring the slashes that decorated the walls. “Lanias.”
“Up here,” Not Lanias, but Oye called. Her tension climbing, Sabina reached the second floor, and marched to where she’d heard her cousins voice entering the room she found Lanias sitting on the edge of her bed, looking calm and put together. Beside her a sleeping Kahlia, holding her favorite plush doll.
Seeing her daughter sleeping and safe, Sabina staggered back hitting the wall she sagged. She was still dealing with the aftermath of finding the house in such a mess that it took her minute to gather her thoughts. While she did that, she heard Raijin yell her name from below.
Oye, walked to her side and rested a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, they didn’t catch us off guard this time.” She whispered, before she entered the hallway to wave Raijin toward them, following him was a scraggly looking Castian and as always, a calm looking Alek. The two men remained outside, as Raijin entered the room his eyes immediately going to Kahlia, before they rested on Sabina who was still leaning against the wall.
Seeing the worry in his eyes, she straightened deciding to not reach out to him in front of her sister and cousin. She wasn’t ready for the level of harassment yet. “What happened?” She finally demanded from her sister.
Lanias sighed letting her black painted nails tap the covers of the bed. She spoke, irritation coloring her voice, “After you left, I decided to enjoy a night of movie porn and glass of chardonnay. Sometime around one, I’m sure by this time you were getting dicked down to a delicious degree.”
Sabina, not only on edge but feeling embarrassed made a threatening move toward her sister only to have her wrist grabbed by Raijin.
Spotting this, Lanias continued amused. “As I was saying, I was enjoying the night when I heard the bells sound. After that last incident I decided to create barriers, that would sound with different alarms as the enemy drew closer.” She quirked a brow up, and pursed her lips. “The minute I heard the bells, I knew how close those worms were and pulled Oye here, so that together we could deal with the problem.”
Oye interjected, “It would be nice to know the next time you decide to draw a blind gate on my back,” she glared at Lanias, “Me and that damn Warlock, could have shown up a messy tower of flesh.”