Page 93 of Raijin
The Jackals
“Damn that Ogre.”
His tale lashing out, Tiller knocked everything on his desk off onto the floor. Seething, he glared at the three who stood before him stoic and so fucking, tight lipped.
“Do you three think this a fucking game?” He couldn’t understand, why that damn Ogre would risk everything over a witch.
“He said he’ll contact us once he’s in a safe place.” The smooth-talking Vampire said with his usual nonchalant attitude.
Grabbing a glass orb that had made it through his initial response at learning that, that damn Ogre had left, he threw it at the fucker. He wasn’t surprised when it was stopped mid-air splitting apart before it hit the ground.
Alek stared at him coldly. “Our leader isn’t going to run, he only wished to ensure the child and witches safety.”
“He’s putting my entire plan in jeopardy.” Tiller complained. He didn’t give a fuck usually what these damned ones did but the reason he’d been given leave to own them was his agreement to follow the rules set forth strictly. The one most important rule being that they never move without his knowledge, especially not to the human world. And not only had that damn flesh eater gone to the human world but he’d also gone to the one place that Tiller sure as hell wished he hadn’t. “Dammit,” Tiller yelled.
He turned slamming his fist onto his desk, thinking hard he calculated how soon he’d get word back from the Watcher he’d sent after the idiot.
“Shit,” Taking a deep breath, he straightened. “Where are we in the investigation?”
Castian spoke up, “I went to Wickham row and spoke with the Unders there. They said the Jameison fellow doesn’t trade with those in their market. He purchases a gate key and goes to the human world via a third party.”
“Why is everyone so fond of going to that fucking place,” Tiller grumbled, shaking the pain off he asked, “And the Unseelie?”
This time it was Malcolm who answered, “Their magical signature has been picked up, closer to the edge but recently a few Blue Jays saw a spike near the center of the city.”
“So, their playing with us.” Turning around, Tiller narrowed his eyes in thought. “While, I would never say this to that fuckers face. He may have had a point in leaving Veil City. That Jamieson going to-and-from the human world bothers me. Even the worse criminals are weary of doing business outside of Veil City, the human plane is too tightly regulated.”
“Do we have a contact in the human world?” He suddenly asked, taking the three by surprise.
Malcolm answered first, “I know a few Lykans who live there.”
“See if any of them have noticed anything strange happening on their side.” Saying this, Tiller glanced at the clock on the wall. “I’ve another meeting in a few minutes. If Raijin moves a single toe out of fucking place. I’m sending you three to bring him back. With or without the witch, hell she can stay there alone if it’s so safe,” his gold eyes hardened. “But you will bring him back if I order you to.”
With that, he walked passed them and slammed out of his office.
Sabina stood before a large house, the house alone was impressive and the biggest thing she’d seen since she’d come to Japan. Everything had been small, and built low to the ground but Sakai’s house was two stories with an attached Onsen, she’d been led to the main house, past the sprawling inn where she could smell the sulfur from outdoor hot baths.
“I hope it’s to your liking,” Sakai said, from where he stood beside her his hands held behind his back as he looked over his home with pride. “When I first came to the human world. I wasn’t thinking I’d remain here so long, but I ended up meeting the love of my life here,” he chuckled, as if embarrassed, “Yuki, was the daughter of aRyokan Okami; think manager and owner of a hotel. I had nothing but my pride and a few yen in my pocket when I asked her to marry me.”
His eyes softened with a sad light, “It’s been too many years, I still think she’ll come running in to chide me for not wearing a scarf.”
Sabina wanted to say something, but the willy elder Grinned, “Come on, let’s leave the giant to carry the bags.”
She lifted her daughter higher, “Yes.” Following him toward the house. “Sorry for intruding.”
He laughed, “No worries, this is fun for me. My kids, grand kids and great grand kids are too busy with their lives in Tokyo and Okinawa, it’s nice to see one of Yuki’s favorites with his children.”
Sabina closed her mouth, suddenly feeling overwhelming guilt at lying to Sakai, but it was for the best. She snuggled closer to the sleeping Kahlia, wasn’t she getting too good at keeping secrets?
The minute she entered the house, she was hit by the warmth and the hint of wood and rice in the air. Watching Sakai remove his shoes, she did the same stepping up into his house in only her socks.
“Let me take you to a place where she can sleep and then I’ll make some tea.” Sakai explained, leading her deeper into the house. “That young one must be exhausted.”