Page 107 of Reckless Bonds
Her strength and power astound even Rynlin. She is perhaps the most formidable human mage ever created. He hypothesizes that it is related to fragmentation, resonating echoes of power, and other concepts that go over my head.
I’ve never been a true scholar, just dabbling with research here and there.
But it’s when the Third Vessel bonded with her that everything truly changed. My ability to tap into Chroma grows stronger with each passing day. I can effortlessly channel fire and water, exerting my influence over nature in the world. And my connection to Mira deepens as well. Her emotions well up within me, tugging at my heartstrings with only the persistence and annoyance a human could obtain.
And there is the other problem of Mira’s sudden departure from Earth, and the stir it caused. Then that other pesky human woman wouldn’t leave it alone. Kept searching and circling the portal.
I click my tongue, thinking back to that day I somehow reached out to her, touching her, and she channeled Chroma. Enough for the portal to accept her into our world.
Well, their world. Not mine.
And now she’s loose in Iluemera, searching for Mira.
A knock interrupts my thoughts, and Rynlin slides into the room. He has become a friend and confidant, teaching me how to catch glimpses of my Shards and the Vessel, fostering hope within me.
“Good afternoon,” Rynlin greets me as he settles beside the crackling fire.
“The Third has finally bonded with her,” I inform him, my tone contemplative.
“This is an incredible feat, Prince Dan’thiel! They are achieving what was believed to be impossible. The implications are truly fascinating.”
I shake my head, exasperated. “Please, Rynlin, don’t call me that. How many times must I remind you?” He nods apologetically and leans forward in his chair as I continue, “They will soon find the Second, but I fear he will not be as cooperative.”
“Why is that?”
“He has been searching for a way to make himself whole without the merge since the shattering. I always suspected he would be a challenge. I thought I could influence him, guide him, but he remains resistant to everything I have tried. He’s taken to some… unsavory company.”
“It seems you are not meant to return. Perhaps the hope of merging is too ambitious.”
“I won’t give up. My powers are returning, and I can offer more to them than ever before.”
“It may not be wise to disclose this to the others. They hold more traditional beliefs.”
I already know this, of course. I dare not even mention what I discovered when Mira confronted Yurghen, and how I could briefly harness her Chroma as a conduit for my own. I have no idea what the consequences would be for such interference with the mortal realm, but I know it would, at the very least, sever my ability to peer into Illuemera.
I can’t even trust Rynlin with that piece of information.
“Of course,” I assure him. Rynlin nods and soon leaves me with my thoughts. I sit there for a while, contemplating my next move as well as theirs. I know they must confront the Second soon, before it is too late.
Before I lose all hope of merging.
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