Page 14 of Reckless Bonds
Twenty minutes later, the story fully told, I’m cuddling on the couch with my sleepy Bobble Cat.
“I still can’t wrap my head around it. How did he get there so fast? I saw him run towards me before the branch fell. How did he know?” I muse as Lisa makes the appropriate noises.
“Maybe he’s psychic,” Lisa offers.
I roll my eyes. Lisa thinks there’s a vampire around every corner. She saw Twilight once and made it her whole personality, and while it’s endearing, it’s also zany. “It’s just a little odd, I guess. What kind of person races 100 feet to tackle someone just in case a falling branch hits them?”
On the other end of the line, I hear Lisa open a can as she makes an indistinct noise that resemblesI dunno.With a sigh, “It’s just been a tough week, I guess. Hearing that Tim is already engaged kind of knocked the wind out of me. And then Sunder literally knocked the wind out of me. Did I tell you he’s really strong? He lifted me like I was a feather. If I hadn’t been completely dazed, it would have been kinda hot.”
“Oh, I know. He’s a secret mafia boss coming to collect you for your father’s unpaid debts.”
“Yeah, he’ll probably kidnap me, but oh wait, oops, he fell in love with me.”
“Exactly! You get it.”
Chuckling while I rub my arms, I think about all the dark romance books she’s made me read over the years. Well, that’s how it started, anyway. Now, I find them on my own, devouring at least one a week.
“I don’t know if I want him kidnapping me. He pummeled me to the ground. I’m surprised I didn’t burst to dust and float away. My head bounced.”
“You know that saying, ‘Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth?’”
“I know,” I sigh. “And he’s quite the stallion…” I trail off with a meaningful silence.
“Tell me.”
“He’s hot, but in a kind of weird way. First, he has long hair, which I never like. But it looks pretty good on him. He’s tall and well-built. I don’t know,” I say, suddenly at a loss for words.
How can I possibly describe to her how attractive this person was? He seemed to glow from the inside out, an alluring vision that I can’t quite put into words.
Tallseems lame in comparison.
Lisa snorts. “He’s tall and well-built?! Give me more than that! That’s not a description, Mira.”
I giggle a bit at the desperation in her voice while Bobble purrs loudly beside me. I stroke his tufts of orange fur absently while I recall the encounter.
“I mean, how do you describe someone? He’s got black hair, brown eyes, a straight nose that looks like a triangle. He had on a leather jacket.”
“You were staring into his eyes so deeply you know what color they are? I don’t know what color your eyes are, and we’ve been friends for almost a decade.”
“Worse than that. I made it a point of conversation. I told him they were chestnut.”
Lisa’s shrieking laugh pierces my ears. My stomach muscles hurts from laughing so much. It feels so good. Like old times. Before everything fell apart.
“I still can’t believe you invited a stranger off the street to come into your house. I barely ever get invites to come over!” I can hear the grin on her face.
“A handsome stranger that saved my life!” I remind her.
“A handsome stranger named… Sunderrrr.” She drops her voice a few octaves for dramatic effect.
“Yeah, what the fuck kind of name is that?” I laugh along with her
“Sunder, feel the Sunder. Lightning and the Sunder,” she sings.
Suddenly I freeze mid-laugh, “What the hell am I going to cook for him?”
“Hmm… What meal says ‘Thanks for tackling me like a linebacker. Wanna bone?”
I roll my eyes. “I’ll stick to something I know, I guess.”