Page 18 of Reckless Bonds
“Once I was something more aligned to that. Not anymore. I used to be Prince Dan’thiel of the Elven Kingdom of Valenfall, but that was a long time ago.”
“… Sorry. What?” He’s not making sense. The words he’s saying aren’t real. Elves? Kingdom? This guy has absolutely fallen off the wagon. He’s off his rocker. He’s so far off his rocker that he probably doesn’t even know what a rocker is. Panic claws at my throat.
I have to get out of here.
Seemingly oblivious to my panic, he continues. His tone is dry, as though he’s reciting something that’s common knowledge.
Something everyone should know.
Except I most definitely do not.
Sunder sighs. “I was born long ago in Illuemera. This place is unknown to you and the other humans. We go to great lengths to keep it hidden from knowledge here.”
I blink at him, my eyes darting to his rounded ears skeptically. “Illumi-where-a?”
“Think of me as a magical being that lost my powers a long time ago to an evil witch. You are my fated mate. When our mate bond snaps into place, which of course occurs after we mate, physically that is, it will grant us both powerful magic. Do you understand?” he looks at me for confirmation.
“You want me to… mate… with you,” I say.
“Yes. Please pay attention, I have made this simple so you might understand,” he states with all the patience of a lord ordering someone around. His words drip with disdain, but my brain can only note it and move on. Magic. Fated mates. It’s like one of my books comes to life. Maybe when I hit my head on the sidewalk, I actually went into a coma and this is just a dream.
Fuck. I’m probably in a coma. I wonder if I’m at Grady or Emory.
He pushes forward excitedly as I cross my arms with a raised eyebrow. “Once the transformation is complete, you will also receive powers. It is, as the humans say, a win-win situation.”
“So… you’re some kind of hot, off-brand Hagrid come to tell me I’m a wizard and I’ve been accepted into the Sunder’s School of Witchcraft and Fucking. And how does ‘mating’ give me powers?”
His eyes narrow, as if trying to discern if I’m making fun of him or not.
“Mating is the only way in which we can access the power. Magic, we call it Chroma in Illuemera, comes from the Gods. When mates bond, they are granted access to Chroma or if they were born with the innate ability to wield it, their source is amplified by orders of magnitude.”
“And what do you do with this… semen magic?” I can’t believe that sentence just came out of my mouth. Semen magic? This is ridiculous. I wonder if all comas are this crazy. How does my unconscious brain even think of this?
“It is not semen magic.” The indignation in his voice tells me I struck a nerve. A small corner of my mind screams in delight to push the buttons on this arrogant brute. My wrist still aches from his death grip, but I think he’s telling the truth that he isn’t trying to hurt me. Con me out of something, maybe.
“We can only get it when we have sex, right? Sounds like semen magic,” I say flatly.
Sunder’s eyes remain neutral as they bore into my soul.
“The bond between fated mates is special, hand selected by the Gods themselves. It snaps into place at different points for different pairs, but it never takes long. The act of physical intimacy has been reported to help.”
“So… what about lesbian couples? How does semen magic work for them?”
Sunder stares through me with narrowed eyes. The veins on his neck pop out against reddened skin. Laughter tumbles around my brain, but my face betrays nothing.I’m losing it. Is this a hallucination? It feels so real. Maybe I’m dead.
“Your questions are irrelevant, as the magic is not tied to semen. There are limits to it, but we can discuss the nuances at a later date. Together, we’ll be unstoppable. You shall also be granted access to the source when we touch, so I can will be teaching you how to touch it tomorrow. Once you accept our bond, I’ll help you learn to truly wield it. If you’re good enough, you can help reclaim my lands. Fighting side by side, a bonded mate pair… we shall be a powerful force to reckon with. “
“Accept your bond, huh?” I eye his groin meaningfully before pushing forward. “You want me to fight your enemies? Dude, I can’t even play first-person shooters because they give me too much anxiety. I don’t want any part of your Cum Fu magic battles.”
“Mira, I have been seeking you for quite some time. You are a conduit for all of my magic. I need you, and I won’t take no for an answer. Just look,” he says, grabbing my hand and quickly summoning the ball of light in his palm again.
I watch in amazement as it twists, forming itself into a mushroom. Beautiful. I’ve seen nothing so intricate and detailed. Slowly, the mushroom melts away and the lights forms a small babbling stream. It flows towards me, turning from sapphire blue to a pure white. Towards my wrist, that still aches.
“I don’t have much healing ability. At least I didn’t before.” He frowns. “But it does not do to have my mate be broken. So, I will try.”
Sunder inhales deeply as the stream of light tickles my skin. A burst of cold energy followed by warmth spreads through my arm. I gasp, but it’s already over.
I look at him in awe. My mouth falls open. I let out a shallow breath as I circle my wrist in slow movements.