Page 23 of Reckless Bonds
Being a High Elf was a source of pride. Part of my identity. I don’t even have cool ears anymore. The only things that differentiate me from a human in this body are my keen senses. I shudder as if an ice cube is dropped into my shirt.
And now…
What do I know of channeling blue? Useful in many situations, but I have no dexterity with it. No finesse or elegance. I’m no better than a green boy fumbling my way through my first sexual encounter. I know the mechanics, but nothing more.
The door to the bathroom opens, a large steam cloud billows around Mira like pixies dancing in the moonlight. I avert my eyes from her damp, towel-covered body as she scurries to the bedroom, closing the door behind her.
I close my eyes, letting out a calming breath, but the images come too fast to push away. She’s ripping her towel off, straddling my lap. I’m drunk with the scent of her. I taste her lips. Grab her hips while I-.
A frustrated growl rumbles in my chest as my desire presses painfully against my slacks. Shifting in my seat, I curse under my breath. It’s like the untamed urges of adolescence have returned even stronger. Being here, unable to touch her, is a special flavor of damnation just for me.
I collect myself, forcing thoughts of anything but her when she emerges again. Her wavy brown hair is tied back in a loose braid, small stray pieces frame her face. Her hips fill her pants nicely, creating alluring curves disappearing behind her flowing blouse.
A low fire roars behind those hazel eyes as she marches towards me with determination. Her short stature makes her seem frail at first glance, but there’s a hint of strength hidden inside of her.
Her scent of mulled wine wafts into the room. The nuanced fragrance invades my mind as she opens her mouth to speak. I can’t hear her over the torrent of passion raging inside of my body. I push it down, as I prompt her to repeat herself.
“I said I’m skipping work today. I just emailed my team.”
Being around her is going to get me killed one day. I need to get the bonding over with.
“Ok. Let’s begin with some meditation to loosen the mind.”
Moving to lie flat on the floor, I guide her through meditation exercises. Three times. She falls asleep three times, snoring softly. The third time, I roughly shove her shoulder. “Stand up if you can’t stay awake.”
She glares and scoffs at me as if I’m the reason she’s slacking off. But she obeys. Standing, Mira finally breaks the silence with a huff of frustration.
“I’m relaxed! I’ve never been so fucking relaxed in my life. I get it. Let’s move on!”
I stare at her flatly, barely keeping my smoldering annoyance beneath the surface.
“I’m trying to help you. If you’re unwilling to do your part and commit to the work, I can’t afford to waste time with someone who doesn’t care enough to try. We’re going to bond whether you learn to access Chroma or not. Then we’ll go to Illuemera and I’ll find a safe place for you to stay since you’re so against fighting.”
Mira pauses, blinking at me as if processing the concept. “You thought you’d be trained and then left here to expose our world?” I chuckle at that, a darkness seeping inside me as I roll my eyes.
“And what if I refuse? The bond, the training, everything. Will you leave me alone to live my boring life here as I please?” There’s an edge to her voice, but her scent twists with something more like curiosity. Interesting.
I step close to her, closing the distance between us quickly. I drop my voice dangerously low as the heat from her body radiates into me. I fight my instinct to reach for her.
I do not like that idea. Mira is a part of my future.
My stomach clenches as I think of losing her.
“I won’t accept that answer. Your soul is bound to mine, Mira. Whether you like it or not, the life you had yesterday is already over. I’ll stick with you forever, running off friends and suitors until you accept your fate with me. And if that isn’t enough, I’ll find your soul once it’s reborn and convince you in the next life.”
The last part is a bluff, of course. She doesn’t know what I am or that my fae body will age alongside hers. She lifts her chin in defiance, glaring hatefully into my eyes. “I’d call the police and have you arrested for stalking.”
This time, my laugh is genuine. “Do you think mortal confines can keep me away from you? I’ve been living for a thousand years, four hundred in this body alone. I know things that would melt your little mind, human.”
Another lie. I’ve only been in this wretched body for about 12 years, and without her touch, there isn’t much I could do about a jail cell. Mira’s eyes smolder, anger oozing from the pours of her skin.
“Good. Now touch me,” I command her.
She blinks at me, unmoving.
“Seriously? I’m not going to have sex with you. You just threatened me. You condescending, arrogant, manipulative, piece of-”