Page 33 of Reckless Bonds
I have to be very careful. The way she looked at me when I spoke of my siblings last night. It would be so easy to be pulled into her warmth. When she touched my hand, so gently, I almost caved. I almost let myself fall into her.
I have to find the balance. Just enough for the mate bond to snap, not enough to distract me. I cannot afford to have her be close.
I grit my teeth.
She is proving to be more than capable of distraction.
Stepping up to Mira, I tug the bottom of her shirt up, but she swats my hand away. I suppress a feral grin as a low rumble sounds through my chest. Good girl.
“What are you doing?” The indignation of her tone drives me to the brink of madness as a light breeze wafts her scent towards me. Gods, I need to pin her, fill her.
No. That is not necessary for the bond.
“Our lesson. I want both your hands free to help you focus your channeled energy into. Take off your shirt, and I’ll grab you from behind.”
And I’ll try not to stab you with my ever-resent erection.
Mira eyes me skeptically before lifting her shirt over her head, exposing her pale stomach and plain white bra caging her impressive chest. The soft curves of her body call to me, begging me to caress them. Heat pours into my cock at the sight of her.
“Why are you staring? I’m just a simple-minded, weak human, right?”
“I don’t think you’re simple-minded. Ignorant, yes. And I never said I wasn’t attracted to you.”
Eyebrows pinch together as she blinks, obviously surprised. My attraction to Mira is different, deeper. Her body sings to mine. Every essence of her existence calls to me.
Before she has a chance to respond, I grab her by the shoulders, spinning her around to face away from me. I slide my arms around her waist, pulling her against me. Feeling her small body press tightly into my chest, the rest of my tension leaves me. I breathe her in, letting her intoxicate me, if only for a moment.
Mira lets out a soft, “Oh” as I manhandle her into position against my chest. It’s a quiet noise that instantly makes my cock hard. It’s music to my ears, and I growl out the next words instinctively.
“Of course I find you attractive, Mira. You drive me crazy, especially when you are being such a fucking brat. Someone needs to pin you down and teach you to behave.”
Her body tenses slightly at the words.
Why did I say that?Control. Balance. I loosen my grip around her waist, preparing myself for the onslaught of arguments ahead. Instead, Mira’s breathing quickens like the idea excites her, and I’m left even more confused.
“Let’s just get started.”
I don’t miss the breathlessness in her voice, and a deep grin flashes across my face. It pleases me to see that she is as affected as I am. I pull her into me, her body melting against mine. The power surging between us threatens to overwhelm me completely. Leaning my forehead on her shoulder, I let out a low throaty growl against the soft spot where her neck and shoulder meet.
Different ways I’ll eventually take her flash through my mind. Pinning her down with my body while she begs for more. Marking her with my seed so completely that no other Shard dare to touch her without my permission. Making her mine.
“That’s really distracting,” she breathes, interrupting my parade of plans. Focus. Find the balance. I was once blessed by Concordia, Goddess of Harmony, Mother of the Green Order. I can do this.
“Excellent. Today is all about learning to ignore distractions. Now concentrate and channel,” I say in a commanding tone as I press myself against her once more. Her scent drips with titillation.
Mira’s body stiffens while I continue to lightly nuzzle her neck, breathing in her scent. I gently caress her soft skin as the torrent of raw power flows between us at every point our skin touches. The heat between us warms my body against the late fall day. Giving my instinctual desire a short leash, I’ll need to be careful with this.
She clears her throat as she focuses on her task.
“That’s good,” I purr into her ear. She won’t be channeling Chroma in a vacuum. It’s imperative she learns to tune the world out while she channels, including physical sensations.
Her body tenses and then relaxes against mine, reminding me too much of that damn dream. I slide one arm from her waist, up across her chest to grab her shoulder, trying to ignore the burning sensation in my forearm as it sweeps across her pillowy, heaving breasts.
“I want you to focus, Mira. Tune me out. Imagine the red orb forming in your hand. Let the rustling pines fill your ears. Smell the musky layer of dead leaves covering the ground. Feel the cool wind kissing your skin.”
She clears her throat again, as if reminding herself of her goal.
“That’s good. Keep trying.”