Page 49 of Reckless Bonds
I don’t like leaving things up to fate. Or to Mira.
She said she’d put in her notice first thing this morning, but I’m not going to sit around her apartment waiting for her to get home from work like a puppy. Or a pathetic cat. And I certainly won’t wait for her to fulfill this imaginary duty she feels to some meaningless job.
We should be in Illuemera by now, halfway to Yurghen’s.
Instead, I’m sitting in her living room watching the Third watch me. Now she’s expecting me to wait three more weeks for no apparent.
She’s just stalling, scared of change. She said it herself.
I prepare for the consequences, but I must speed her decision along. As I put on my shoes, I idly wonder if the Third is cat enough that he would land on his feet if I threw him out this third-story window. He may be part of me, but I clearly have some kind of disconnect with that aspect of who I am.
The cat and I have not bonded, and neither of us seems any closer to achieving that goal. Besides, I have a new goal right now.
Stepping into the crisp air outside, a new bounce fills my step.
One step closer to Iluemera.
One step closer to reuniting all the Shards.
The street is busy with people in every direction, but I head straight for Mira’s office building.
Stepping off the elevator, I adopt a stumbling step and loosen my face muscles. In the lobby sits a large receptionist’s desk. The woman sitting behind it is a beautiful young blonde with a small waist, giving me serious sexy librarian vibes.
I step forward with confidence, telling her in a slurred voice, “I need Mira Murphy now.”
I stumble slightly to the side, pointing my finger into the open office behind her. I call to her at the top of my lungs.
“I’m sorry, sir.. can I help you?” The receptionist stands nervously, looking over her shoulder as if begging the air for help with the crazy in front of her.
“Where is she?”
I growl at the girl, slurring more and closing one eye. Finally, her eyes widen in understanding. Not too bright. Shame.
I roar again past reception. “Mira!”
The girl picks up the phone and urgently whispers to someone.
Time for the show.
I push through doors leading into the main office area. It’s an open floor plan with lots of desks in a big, open room. The hum of voices, typing, ringing phones fills the air. How do these human work in such environments?
“Mira!” I scream, stalking past the gawking geeks.
There she is. Face pale, drained of all color, but eyes like fire, she marches towards me. Each step falls harder than the last, as if she’s punishing the floor for my misdeeds.
The determined stride of her step makes her large chest sway in that tight blue blouse.
I lick my bottom lip, taking her in, before I remember what I’m doing.
She grabs my arm hard, digging her nails deep into my skin. I can’t resist the opportunity to flex my biceps beneath her grip. Her eyes widen only for a second, then it’s gone. I barely hold back my laughter as I give her a taste of her own medicine.
“What are you doing here?”