Page 64 of Reckless Bonds
Understanding floods into his twisted face. “He’s part of me. Or … I’m part of him? I’m not really sure, honestly. But we’re the same.”
I scoff at the idea. The very notion that sweet, thoughtful Bobble and Sunder The Asshole could be the same person, seems utterly impossible to me.
“You two are polar opposites, actually. You’re separate people, just with a shared… Well, I don’t know what exactly you guys share.”
He shrugs with a small smile. “No, we aren’t. The four of us are all connected. I’m as much a part of him as he is of me. I don’t know how to explain it. I never had a connection to another Shard until we were both in close proximity to you, the Vessel. It’s like being near you made our connection to each other stronger.”
I tilt my head, listening to Bobble. “Vessel?”
“A Vessel as in the way to reunite us Shards. The transport to take us there? I’m not really sure where the word comes from.”
“Do you have Dreamshares with the other Shards, too?”
I wonder at the fact that there are two more of them out there. Bobble and Sunder are so different from each other.
What are the other two Shards like?
Bobble smiles, his lip tilting up higher on one side, but shakes his head.
“It’s hard to explain. I wish I had the right combination of words to tell you how it feels. Language feels so inadequate. It’s like… one of the fundamental truths of the universe. Just as one plus one always equals two. You’re my mate, and he and I are one.”
I consider this for a moment while he purses his lips, trying to find more words before he continues. “When we’re together, it fills all the holes in my heart. I don’t need a bond to know you’re my mate. You just are. In the same way, I don’t need to share a body with him to know we’re one. We just are.”
I nod. I get that. It feels weird for me to lie to Bobble though, so I want to make sure he understands. “But I’m saying that despite myself, and his terrible behavior, I can see myself growing feelings for both of you. I’ve never had feelings, much less a relationship, with more than one person at a time. That just isn’t me. It feels… wrong. Like I’m hurting you both.”
The confession tumbles out of me as I pull away from him, shame climbing up my neck. Bobble, to my surprise, kindly pats my hand.
“I’ve known the circumstances I’d find myself in for years. Loving another Shard, in a way, is loving me too. We’re all one. I don’t feel jealous that I might have to share you with others, if you want that. It’s meant to be this way. We all know that. I’m just happy to be around you.”
I nod as a tear slips from the corner of my eye. I don’t deserve him.
“I have no idea how to deal with this,” I admit quietly. I grab him in a tight hug, needing to feel his arms wrap around me. His musky scent fills my nose as I press my face hard into his chest, my tears wetting his shirt. I’d never felt so cared for in my life.
“Tomorrow when you wake up, just tell him bluntly. He’ll be naked before you finish the sentence.”
A small laugh escapes me. “I wish I knew how he felt about me. He’s so hot and cold. It drives me crazy not knowing. And I hate that I even care. I should hate him for everything he’s done, but…”
I trail off with a shrug because I can’t explain it. Somewhere between lying to me and storming into my office pretending to be drunk, I caught feelings for Sunder. “I’m afraid he’ll leave if I bond him. That… that’s all he wants from me, and once he gets it, he won’t look back.”
Bobble smiles, sympathy clear on his face. “He won’t leave. I promise. He’s desperately trying not to, but he loves you. I can see it. Sometimes it’s almost like I can feel it coming from him.”
I blink. “Can you feel what he feels?”
“Sometimes,” Bobble clarifies. “I’m… well. I think I might be a slightly more attuned element of a Shard than he is. Emotionally, anyway. I can feel what he feels, as well as what I feel.”
My ears perk up. “What do you feel for me?”
Bobble’s face is pure adoration as he looks at me. “The same thing I’ve always felt, Mira. I love you.”
Tears fill my eyes. “Why couldn’t it be you?”
Bobble tilts his head. “What do you mean?”
“You and I meet here, but we don’t have any Chroma that sparks between us. Why couldn’t it be you who I bond with?” I whisper.
This Shard is everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner. He’s kind, thoughtful, and comforting. He makes me feel safe when I’m unhappy, and he deeply cares about me.
I want it to be him.