Page 10 of Always, Plus One
As they gazed at each other, Ariel felt a sense of longing rising within her. She leaned in and kissed Miles, feeling his arms wrap around her as he deepened the kiss. They stood there for what felt like an eternity, lost in each other's embrace.
Finally, they broke apart, both their breathing coming in short gasps. Ariel looked up at Miles, her heart racing with anticipation. Just as he leaned back in toward her, her phoned pinged with another notification.
Ariel leaned her forehead against his. “Drat. Interrupted! That would be the market. Everything is ready.Now, do you need to stay, or can you come with me to the store? I can swing by here right after to get you once they fill the order for Leeside.”
“No, I’ll finish up here.”
She had been enjoying her time with Miles and didn't want it to end so abruptly. But she knew that running a business required sacrifice and dedication, even if it meant putting her personal life on hold at times.It only took moments for Miles to stash all his tools and be ready to leave. They walked back to Ariel’s car hand in hand, and her spirits were lifted—it had been nice to see Jill, and Miles seemed so happy with his new boat project.
With only hours to go until the grand opening, Ariel focused on thinking calm, positive thoughts.
Everything is going to be just fine.
Time was counting down to dinner service. Ariel and Miles returned to Leeside to be greeted by Darcy on the front porch, looking distressed.
“Ariel, there’s a woman here to check in. I can’t find Katie to help. I thought we were full, but that guy here for the fishing trip checked out while you were gone—family emergency. So I guess we have space?” Darcy wrung his hands, and Ariel patted him reassuringly.
“It’s okay. That should be fine. I’ll find Katie and have her go turn the room over while I go talk to the new guest. Where is the guest?”
“In your office,” Darcy said.
Miles came up behind Ariel, his hands full of grocery bags. Darcy moved to take some of them. “Anything left in the car?” the younger man asked.
“Lots,” Miles said. Then, nodding to Ariel, he added, “You go see to your guest. We’ll get all of this into the kitchen.”
As Ariel entered her office, she saw a woman sitting patiently in one of the chairs. The woman’s back was to Ariel, but her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders in soft waves. Ariel couldn't help but stare for a moment, struck by the woman's natural beauty.
She took a deep breath, cleared her throat, and walked over to the woman, extending her hand for a handshake. "Hello, I'm Ariel," she introduced herself warmly.
The woman stood up, her smile lighting up her face. "Hi, I'm Emily," she replied, her voice soft and sweet.
As Ariel sat down behind her desk, she looked at Emily—and Ariel couldn't help but notice the woman's flawless skin, her bright blue eyes, and her perfectly straight teeth as she smiled. Emily was wearing a simple white blouse and a black pencil skirt that fit her as though they had been custom-made. Ariel looked down at her own jeans and T-shirt, suddenly self-conscious. She shook it off, however, and greeted the woman with a warm smile.
" I'm the owner of this B and B. How can I assist you today?"
The woman stood up, and then sat down, and then stood up again and grabbed her purse from the floor, rummaging in it as she spoke. “I’m Emily,” she said. “Emily Cl—” then, she abruptly cut off, held out an ID and credit card, and finished, “Emily Kingston. I’m here to check in.”
Ariel powered up her laptop and scanned the reservation notifications to see if Emily had pre-booked through the website, but there was no information there. “I’ll need to put your information in the computer. Have a seat; it will only take a moment.”
Emily sat, but she fidgeted with her hands, wringing the hem of her skirt as Ariel quickly typed in her guest info. “And when will you be checking out?” Ariel asked.
“I’m not quite sure yet. I can pay the first week up front, and then can I let you know? I’d rather things be open-ended for now if that’s okay.” She twisted her skirt hem even harder.
How odd,Ariel thought.I wonder why she’s so nervous. Traveling alone, maybe?
“Of course,” Ariel replied. “That’s no problem.” Once Ariel had checked her in, she opened her desk drawer and handed over the keys to her room. "Welcome to our little corner of the world," she said cheerfully. "If you need anything during your stay, don't hesitate to let me know. It will be about thirty minutes until the room is ready. Would you like to have some tea and refreshments on the back porch? On the house."
“Oh! That would be lovely.”
“And bags? I can have your bags brought in. Are you parked out front?”
Emily nodded. “I’m the silver BMW.”
Oh. Okay.
Ariel tried to keep the surprise from her face—they hadn’t gotten a wealthy guest yet, not that Ariel was aware of. But the classy outfit, the poise, the bearing—it was obvious that Emily Kingston had money.