Page 37 of White Horizons
“What’s your favorite song that you’ve ever written?” I ask while we’re taking a break and back at the bar for a couple of waters. I wore this long-sleeved shirt because I was worried about being cold, but I forgot it’d be hot inside. I’m a sweaty mess and glad I have my hair pulled back.
His eyes crinkle in the corners with amusement. I love seeing him happy like this.
“If I tell you, I’ll have to kill you.”
“What? No! Come on. Tell me yours and I’ll tell you mine,” I tease, grabbing his waist and shaking him a little. I’m soaking up every single morsel of himself he’s willing to give me. I want to know him. I want it all.
Tonight Clay is wearing all black: black button-down with the sleeves rolled up, black jeans that hug his behind and thighs perfectly, and worn black square-toed cowboy boots. I don’t know how to not drool over this man.
“Nope. It’s on the new album, and I’m not ready to talk about it yet. But I will. Soon. It needs a few more tweaks.”
“New album you say?” I’m mocking him, but he just grins, grips my elbow, and pulls me closer. His hand falls to my hip and settles there.
“Tell me yours.” His voice is a little rough as he looks down at my face. I feel it on my skin and low in my belly the moment his eyes drift to my lips and stay there.
“‘Midnight Fun’,” I say, just loud enough so he can hear me.
It takes a second for my words to register, and his eyes fly back to mine as he chuckles.
“Little liar, it is not.”
“I swear it is! I can see how you might think that, given tonight and all, but writing that song with Avery and Cora one New Year’s Eve while drinking champagne is one of my most favorite memories. It was also our first song to hit the Billboard top one hundred.”
“Where were you when you wrote that song?”
“Here at the lake.”
His gaze again falls to my lips, and he reaches up to drag his thumb across the bottom one. I can’t help the sharp inhale of surprise, but I watch transfixed as he looks at his thumb, his brows pop a little, and then he runs that thumb down my cheek to push on my chin and tip my head back.
“Do you always wear lipstick that stays on your lips like this?”
“No.” I find the courage to tell him the rest. “Only on nights when I hope I might be kissed.”
I swear his eyes darken as they narrow at me. Tension is building between us, and I am here for all of it. All night his hands have continually found mine or my lower back, and he hasn’t once cringed as mine have basically run all over him at some point. That’s the beauty of dancing; these things happen naturally. For now, the awkwardness is gone, and I’m so glad.
However, knowing him, the minute we leave, this reprieve from the walls he’s kept up to keep me out will most likely be over, but until then I’m going to soak up every bit of him. He’s warm, he’s happy, and I’m having the best time.
Eventually, we get to the last minute of the year. We’re back on the dance floor, and all around us people are animated and buzzing for the clock to hit midnight. I’m ready, more ready than I’ve ever been. I want to put this last year behind me and ring in the new one and all its possibilities with Clay Johnson.
The lead singer of the band starts the countdown.
Oh my God. Is he going to kiss me? I really hope so. I’ve thought about this moment and this kiss all night and want it so bad.
Am I nervous? I shouldn’t be nervous; we’ve done this before, and it was so, so good. Heat rushes through me in one giant wave. Are there suddenly more people in this room? It’s so hot and exponentially more crowded.
Clay’s hands reach for mine, and our fingers link together. His jaw is tense, and I wonder what he’s thinking. Does he want this as much as I do?
Someone bumps into the back of me, and it knocks me into his chest. His arms wrap around me, and a feeling of home washes over me. I love being close to him, and as he bites his bottom lip, my stomach clenches with a yearning so fierce I stop breathing.