Page 51 of White Horizons
Emma: Going deep today, are we?
Clay: Humor me.
Emma: Well, I guess drowning would be my death fear, but an overall fear is ending up alone. I love my people, and if something were to happen to them, I don’t know how I would manage that. If an apocalypse comes and they’re all taken out, take me too. I don’t want to be the last man standing. Well, last woman standing. You?
Clay: Standing by myself on a stage in front of millions and not being able to get my words out.
Emma: Yet you agreed to do the awards show. Look at you facing your fears head on…
Clay: It’s not that.
Emma: Then what is it?
Clay: Would you rather have telekinesis or telepathy?
Emma: Hands down telekinesis. Can you even imagine how much simpler life would be?
Clay: Simpler and I’d be fatter for sitting on my ass all day.
Emma: Would you rather swim in a pool of Nutella or a pool of maple syrup?
Clay: Shallow end of the pool and Nutella. Somehow I feel it’s thick enough that drowning could be a possibility.
Emma: I pick Nutella too.
Clay: I would find it very hard not to lick it off of you.
Emma: Yes, please!
Clay: I like the dress you’re wearing. Purple always looks good on you.
Emma: How do you know I’m wearing purple?
Clay: Cora posted a photo. How’s she doing?
Emma: Smiling through gritted teeth. I will never understand why she continues to come to these events for her parents.
Clay: I’m sure she’s glad you’re there.
Emma: I would never shove her into the lion’s den without backup.“Though she be but little, she is fierce.”
Clay: Shakespeare. Nice.
Emma: You should send me a clip of one of your new songs.
Clay: Which one do you want to hear?
Emma: Which one do you want me to hear?
Clay: File sent. Check email.
Emma: I look forward to seeing you tonight.
Clay: Same.