Page 58 of White Horizons
“Do you worry about us being seen together?” she asks as she lifts her hand and slowly traces the tattoo on my chest. I never considered myself a tattoo guy, but at the time, I needed this, and I like seeing it every day.
“No. Do you?” My fingers trail back down, pushing the sheet away as it runs over her shoulder, her waist, and her hip.
“No.” Her voice is soft, her gaze traveling from my chest, over my mouth, and to my eyes. Warmth like milk chocolate stares at me, and then her smile returns. Unable to stop myself, I lean down and kiss her.
One kiss turns into two, two turns into three, which leads to me dragging her over my hips where she straddles me and welcomes me like I’m home. With wild thick wavy hair, desire-filled eyes, and a plump bottom lip that she pulls between her teeth, she drives me mad as I watch her tilt her head back and enjoy the feeling of me as I guide her and she rocks back and forth, back and forth. This girl turns my world into technicolor. With her, everything becomes soft and muted as well as vivid and bright. If I were to die tonight, I know I’d die as a very satisfied man.
* * *
“I am so full,”she says as we walk out of a Tex-Mex restaurant that was rated the best in the city and into the early evening sunlight. “Full and suddenly tired.”
I glance down at her just as she rubs her stomach, and immediately I think about rubbing her stomach too, only with no shirt on it and using my lips. Now that we’ve gone there again, I can think of nothing else.
“So what was your favorite?” I ask, slipping my hand into hers while pulling my aviators from my shirt and putting them on. She smiles at me then drops her gaze as her cheeks blush pink. This, this one tiny thing—us holding hands—has made her happy, and I can’t help the small smile that hits my lips either.
“I’m not sure. All three were amazing. But, if I have to choose, I’m going with Tex-Mex. While I really liked the barbecue, there’s nothing like Carolina barbecue, and I’m convinced I could make you that chili.”
I did some research on what foods Austin is known for, and while breakfast tacos came up repeatedly, I thought I would save that one for tomorrow morning.
“You make it and I’ll eat it,” I tell her, and I will. I’ll eat anything she cooks for me, because that means we’re together and not miles apart.
It was well after lunch by the time we finally rounded up her clothes from her room and emerged out into the world. We’d eaten the snacks from the mini bar, but we were starving. So, while she was getting ready, I found these three places and called ahead. I wasn’t sure about availability, but they all said to come in, they’d be ready for us, and then I called to arrange this last stop. I wasn’t sure if it would be possible to pull off, but the company said they could do it, so now I’m leading her the few remaining blocks through downtown toward the river.
“Deal. So what are we doing now? Heading back to the hotel?”
“Not yet. I have one more stop for us that I think you’ll like.”
“One more, huh? Then after that we’ll head back to the room?” She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively, although at this point I’m not certain how she’s able to walk.
I smirk. “Yes, then we’ll head to the room.”
She skips, like actually skips with glee, and tugs on my hand.
“Hurry up! Let’s get to this next place and get going!”
I laugh yet again. I’ve laughed more today than I have in the last eighteen months, and I fully get her enthusiasm. I’m looking forward to dragging her into the shower and getting her all wet just as soon as we get back.
“There’s a great trail I found that runs along the river. I thought it would be nice to head down there to watch the sunset.”
“The sunset, how very romantic of you,” she teases. “Lead the way.”
Romantic . . . I guess. It was more that I thought this would be a fun excursion without the hassle of dealing with people. That and I just want alone time with her.
The Ann and Roy Butler Trail is one of the most popular outdoor recreational areas in the city. It’s a ten-mile urban trail that travels along the riverfront and passes by downtown, neighborhoods, and so much more. It’s also the location of the dock where I’ve chartered a boat for us.
“What are we doing here?” she asks as I turn off the path and lead us down the dock toward a guy who is waiting for us.
“I heard about this thing that happens in Austin at sunset, and I thought it would be fun for us to check it out together.”
She looks at me skeptically but also with a hint of excitement. “Okay, what is it?”
“You’ll have to wait and see.” I grin.
“And this thing requires us to get on this large riverboat?”
“Yes. You’ll see why.”
This boat can be chartered for up to one hundred, and even though there are only two of us, they gave me a price and I said yes.