Page 42 of Keep It Together
I was impressed with the way Evette just waited, looking unruffled both by Grace’s dismissal and her son’s fumbling. She didn’t jump in to rescue him while he looked through the numbers with me, although she added information he didn’t have.
I bought three dozen marshmallow sticks to try out, with a promise to follow up if they sold well and if Grace agreed to it. I was curious to see what else Evette could create and what her process was. Ideas populated in my mind, including an all-candy bouquet that would be the perfect impulse buy item for walk-ins during the Valentine’s Day rush. Using a local company would make it all the more appealing.
“Do you have more of those sample packs?” I asked Evette as she was putting her things away. I didn’t think anything could beat the s’mores flavor, but her take on cotton candy was even better.
“Of course.”
I smiled. “This is a strange favor to ask, but could I pay you to deliver one to a friend around the corner at GoWithFriends corporate?”
Chapter 21 - Carmen
Winnie once again crashed my pre-date prep and helped herself to my snack cupboard. Which is why I kept the half-eaten package of marshmallow candies tucked deep in my purse. Those were for me. Every delicious tiny bite.
Also for me? The tiny card that came with it.
You gotta try these. Post-date huddle later?
Not exactly the most romantic note ever, which made it all the more perfect. Despite what my dad said, I didn’t want sweet words. I just wanted Isaac’s genuine friendship with no games or pretense.
“You’re being so quiet. What are you thinking about?” Winnie asked. She set aside her popcorn bowl and picked up a green cardigan I’d discarded on the end of the couch, studying it. “This would be more interesting if it had alligators.”
I’d never felted an alligator, but there was a first time for everything. “I’ll take that under consideration.”
I was glad she was distracted by my sweater because the answer to what I’d been thinking about? Isaac, of course. And I didn’t want to admit that. I would not admit I was more excited about the possibility of seeing him after my date than I was about going on the date. Not that I didn’t plan to have a good time. Maybe Titan would surprise me. Maybe we’d stay out so late, I wouldn’t even remember to check in with Isaac later. It could happen.
Although, if anything could happen, there was always the reverse of that. What if Isaac and this Dessie person hit it off and their date was the one that went long? Okay, so maybe I’d let him be the one to reach out tonight, just in case. I’d hate to put pressure on him to end early. And if he didn’t call, and I went to bed early in an oversized T-shirt, my comfy yoga pants, and fuzzy socks, I’d be okay with that. Yep, totally okay.
I took in a deep breath, channeling okay-ness before focusing back on Winnie. “You’re being quiet, too. No jokes about Titan?”
Winnie stopped eating her bowl of microwave popcorn and sat up taller. “Wait, his name is Titan?”
“Yeah.” I thought I’d mentioned that, but maybe I hadn’t. “Why?”
“Titan what?”
It took me several seconds to remember, not helped by Winnie’s expectant gaze. “Vanderbilt. Titan Vanderbilt.”
“I was afraid of that.” She took another handful of popcorn and ate thoughtfully while studying me like she wasn’t sure how much to say.
I swiped the popcorn bowl and hugged it. No more snacking for her until she came back from whatever trip down memory lane she was currently on and told me how she knew this guy. “Winnie, if he secretly collects doll heads or keeps an icepick under his pillow, now would be a great time to start talking. He’s coming here in fifteen minutes.”
“No dolls or icepicks that I’m aware of. Sorry, I was just… surprised.” She smiled at me. “I went to high school with him. He was my math tutor.”
“So, you two dated? And I should call and cancel so you can rekindle this little tutor-tutee romance?”
“Gross. No. He was into me, but there was nothing on my end. He wrote me a lot of bad poetry and bought me some terrible body spray for my birthday. Very musky with a hint of cinnamon. Blech. Oh, and one time he showed up at my work and sat in his car in the parking lot staring at me through the front window for a long time.”
“So, he’s a stalker. Great.” I would need to move. Immediately. And also move my family who had been here for thirty years. Just perfect.
“No, he left the second I stepped outside. He was terrified of me, really. In fact, he never planned to give me the poetry. I found it in the back of a notebook he left on the desk.”