Page 53 of Keep It Together
I took one side on the hot tub with my arms outstretched, and Carmen took the other, the only contact being an occasional brush of our feet in the middle. Talking to her was the most comfortable thing in the world with the stars above in an inky sky and curls of steam rising up lazily between us. I turned on the jets, but the shirt on Carmen ballooned up over and over again, and we finally turned off the jets so we could hear each other better and stop laughing at the hump where her neck was supposed to be.
We were just two friends killing time. Well, except for the part where I’d stripped off my shirt before getting in and had to pretend I didn’t see her blatantly checking me out. I’d never wanted to pass a test more. Did I get extra points for making her lose her train of thought? Because that pause mid-sentence was going on my list of accomplishments, along with being able to cut my own hair, landing a flip with a wakeboard, and knowing every word to the theme song forThe Prince of Bel-Air. As far as nineties sitcoms went, that one was Mimi’s favorite.
We stayed in until we were prunes and probably risking our health and safety. Climbing out was torture with the cold that overtook us immediately.
“Let’s get you inside before you freeze.” I put a hand to the back of Carmen’s towel-clad body and ushered us into the house. She tiptoe-jogged straight into the guest bedroom and shut the door. It had an ensuite bathroom, so she’d be able to shower and change back into her clothes.
I came out after getting cleaned up to find Carmen had beat me. She was on my couch in her jeans and red and white oversized sweater, her wet hair shiny and parted down the middle.
She picked up the blanket from the side and dropped it on her lap in one heap before spreading it out like wings. “Come climb in with me.”
“It’s late.” The words came out in self-preservation. As much as I wanted to keep her forever, it probably wasn’t a good idea. She’d fall asleep on me, and I’d lose my will to be anything but a pillow.
“Oh, of course. I should get home.” She jumped up, looking self-conscious and embarrassed, and I about kicked myself.
“Carmen.” I took a flying leap onto the couch and tugged her back down, reluctantly letting go of her hands and smoothing the blanket over us instead. “What I’m saying is don’t sleep over. I’ll never give you back if you do.”
“Oh.” She smiled. “I didn’t take you for a thief.”
“Well, I am one. Or I’m thinking about it. How about this?” I pulled my phone out. “We take some goofy selfies so my sister will stop pestering me. And then we agree I’m getting you home before two.”
“Two?” Carmen took the phone out of my hands and looked at the time. “Isaac, you are a thief. A time thief. I’m going to be dead tomorrow.”
“I know.” I rubbed my face and groaned. “Me too.”
“And we have bingo tomorrow night. Or I guess tonight. It’s already the next day.”
All the more reason to get her home. I was looking forward to bingo, even if I’d be outrageously tired after working all day. I held up the phone and opened the camera app. “Okay, say cheese.”
“Not yet,” Carmen squawked, putting her hands up to cover her face. “This is not exactly my best look. We should have done this before the hot tub. My hair is all wet and my makeup is washed off.”
“You’re still a ten. You’d be a ten with the stomach flu wearing a hotdog suit.”
She rolled her eyes. “Flattery will get you nowhere.”
“I’m not posting these. Are you planning to post these anywhere?”
“Neither is my sister. She hates social media. I think the last thing she posted was a picture of Piper as a baby.”
Carmen took in a deep breath. “Okay, then. Sorry. It’s just, myabuelitawould absolutely die. She thinks it’s a sin to leave the house without makeup.”
“Then we’ll save the glamour shots for her. You can pose with your hand on my chest. Full makeup. For both of us. We’ll do pouty faces, and I’ll have my puffy shirt slightly open with a fan billowing…”
Carmen took the phone out of my hands, trying not to laugh at my stupid joke and failing. “Never mind, I’m taking over.”
The first few were of her giving me side eye while I smiled big, but then she smiled big, too, and we smushed our faces together. Her reach wasn’t as good, so I took the phone from her, and after we checked what we had, I held it out, adjusting the angle. “A silly one?”
“K.” Carmen rested her head against mine and closed her eyes. “Right after my catnap.”
I snapped a picture of us just like that and then put the phone down. “Definitely time to take you home.”
“No, I’m getting my second wind.” She opened her eyes and yawned, stretching her arms out. “One more.”
She picked up the phone, opened back up the camera, and held it up. And then she turned and kissed my cheek, capturing my look of surprise to go with it. “Okay, now we’re all done.” She turned the phone and checked it. “Ah, darn, It’s kind of blurry. Look.”