Page 74 of Keep It Together
Chapter 39 - Carmen
Grace looked a lot like her brother with her dark hair and piercing blue eyes, but she was more intense than him. I’d initially been intimidated by the way she studied me so intently, but it was clear my new mission would be getting Grace set up with a GoWithFriends account A.S.A.P. She didn’t even need to go on any dates. She just needed interaction with people who were not Rob.
I got that stand-up comedians traveled a lot. But what was with all the airplane jokes?
“And then…” Rob slapped the table, nearly taking out Piper’s kiddie cup, which had been full of chocolate milk. She’d guzzled it down first thing. “This guy comes on the plane with this big carrier, and he’s like, ‘hey, everyone, this is my emotional-support snake. His name’s Ted.’”
Piper’s eyes widened. “He brought a snake on a plane?”
“Just like the movie, kid. Just like the movie. And Ted has to sit in his lap. The snake can’t leave the carrier since he’s a boa constrictor, but still. Everyone was freaking out. I’m like, dude. You couldn’t find a less lethal friend for emotional support? I know he probably gives great hugs, but nobody needs to be held that tight, you know what I’m saying?”
I had never felt so much pressure to laugh at something, which was a genuinely weird thing to experience. It helped that Isaac was currently reaching his hand out, his face a mask of innocence and good humor. He was going in for one of Rob’s fries, and I had no doubt he’d be successful in taking it without getting caught. Isaac was a genuine food stealer if there ever was one. Yep, I’d fallen in love with a food thief.Abuelitawould never forgive me. Once, when I was ten, I took an olive off a tray before dinner and got my hand whacked with a fly swatter.
Apparently, the key to not getting caught was having relaxed body language and a gaze aimed somewhere else. I’d done it once, just to get a tally mark under my name since we were keeping score on a napkin in front of us. Carmen – one, Isaac – four. Make that five. Isaac brought the latest fry to his mouth, laughing along with the rest of us when Rob told us the snake was a real charmer. Ba-dum-ching!
I took a sip of my lemonade and watched Grace, admiring the way she accepted things as they were. She had her chin in her hand, and she was watching her daughter’s eyes light up at every joke Rob told. She looked relaxed. Not mad. Not bitter. Not even resigned. Maybe that was why she was so hard on Isaac sometimes. Because she could be. Because he was a solid figure in her life that could take it.
I reached over and squeezed Isaac’s knee, and he immediately crossed his arm over mine and squeezed my knee in return.
Unsurprisingly, Grace noticed us being handsy and raised her eyebrows.
“We’re a thing,” I said quietly, pointing from me to Isaac. “My intentions towards him are bad. Or good, depending on who’s asking.”
“Is that so?” Grace looked way too pleased. She was the opposite of Eddie. While my brother found us nauseating, Grace looked pleased as punch.
“So, what’s your schedule like?” I asked, turning to Rob.
He sat back against the bench and rubbed his belly. “It’s crazy right now. I did a few radio interviews this morning. I’m flying out to Baltimore later tonight on a redeye. I have a steel-workers convention I’ll be at tomorrow. My agent has me booked a few more places around there, and then I’m doing this great gig next weekend at an Improv place in Dallas. They’ve got me headlining all three days. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.”
“That’s a lot,” Grace said.
“Yeah. Quite the life. Piper, my little dolly, I’ll be back to see you in about a month. Don’t grow too big until then, okay?”
“Okay, Daddy.”
The waitress stopped at our table, and he got up and reached into his back pocket. “Let me get this one, okay?” He pulled out a worn-out wallet, and suddenly I knew what I had to do.
I pulled my credit card out before he could and slapped it down. “New guy pays. Ask Isaac. It’s a rule.”
Rob looked stunned for a moment, but I didn’t miss the relief that crossed his face, too.
“No way,” Isaac said, but I put my hand over his mouth and handed the waitress my card. “New guy, pays. Or new girl. Whatever.”
Chapter 40 - Isaac
Carmen was in the mood for some T-Swift on the way home. Not the angsty, clever, grown-up stuff, but Taylor’s early albums. This was not a surprise to me. Our video calls as kids had often ended with Carmen dancing around to Taylor Swift while I gave her a thumbs down and called out, “goodbye!”
The only difference now was I no longer felt the need to pretend I was too cool for it.
When Carmen put her hand up as a microphone for me on the next song’s intro, I held onto her fist and revealed I did, in fact, know every word to Taylor Swift’s “You Belong With Me.” Or at least most of it. I made up lyrics to the lines I couldn’t remember, which made Carmen laugh a lot.
“I’m never singing for you again.”
“Nooo.” She rested her head back. “I love it. You missed you’re calling as a pop singer.”
“Nope. I can’t dance.”
She turned and stared at me. “I’m calling that bluff. I’ve seen your moves.”