Page 25 of Devoted Desires
“Thanks for your help,” Ray replied, “but we can’t spare the time right now.” He pulled us away from the guards and the castle. “We can argue with them or we can go after Sera.”
“We have to find her,” Taneisha said, her voice determined and strong. “I won’t rest until she is safe and sound back at home with her mates.”
Ray pulled Taneisha into a big hug. “You know what, Tany? I’m proud of you.”
“You are?” she asked, beaming up at him. “Really?”
He nodded, his big horns bouncing. “I am. I mean, you need to keep working on being more communicative and collaborative, but the way that you shifted gears and are working to help find Sera, this is real growth.”
“Less growth. More finding the manticore,” Franc ordered.
“It’s all growth,” Ray replied, with a knowing chuckle.
As we made our way through the forest, walking northward for nearly an hour, I couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of foreboding. I glanced at my companions and could see they were feeling it too; their faces were grim and determined as they marched on in search of Sera. We had to find her before it was too late; there was no other option.
Suddenly, a loud roar echoed through the trees, and I felt a chill run down my spine. “What’s the chance that’s not the manticore?” I asked.
We all froze for a moment before breaking into a sprint towards the sound, not knowing what we would find when we arrived but knowing that whatever it was would be better than not finding Sera at all. We reached an area overgrown with bushes, and we had to slow down, checking behind every turn.
My heart was pounding in my chest as the four of us cautiously edged closer to the source of the roar. We had no idea what we would find, but I suspected it wouldn’t be good. We rounded a turn and suddenly the manticore was upon us. The enormous beast emerged from the shadows and I felt my blood run cold. The manticore’s eyes blazed with rage and its claws outstretched as if ready to attack. It reared up on its hind legs, towering over us and roaring in anger. I felt my heart sink in my chest as I realized just how much trouble we were in.
“Run!” Ray shouted, pushing Taneisha ahead of him as he ran back the way we had come.
My feet moved of their own accord as I followed Ray, Franc and Taneisha running in front of me. But it was too late; the manticore had flown over us and now blocked our escape route with its massive body. It had trapped us.
“What do we do?” Franc asked, his voice full of anger.
I stepped forward, determined to face this beast head on if I had to. “I think it’s time for a little negotiation,” I said bravely. “Manticore, listen to me: We want Sera back and we’re willing to do whatever it takes to get her back safely. If you let her go now, no one has to get hurt.”
The manticore seemed to consider my words for a moment, but it didn’t last long. It snarled and lunged at us, but Taneisha held it back with a powerful spell. I watched in awe as she spoke to the beast in a soothing voice, trying to calm it down enough that we could get some answers from it.
Taneisha stepped forward bravely, her hands glowing with magical energy. “Let’s see if we can reason with him,” she said calmly.
But the manticore was not interested in reason; it lunged forward and swiped at us with its claws. I jumped back, narrowly avoiding its attack. Ray stepped up and sent a blast of energy at the beast, which only made it angrier. The manticore roared in rage, its long claws slashing through the air as it charged us again. We all backed away, but it was too late. The beast had us pinned down between bushes and trees and there was nowhere to run.
Darkness Rising
The faery Vedreel looked around, as if checking for eavesdroppers. “Yes,” he said in a hushed voice. “But it is forbidden for me to reveal his identity to you. You’ll need to speak to your mother, or perhaps the Lady Alia would also know.” He glanced back at me, then his eyes widened as I produced another glowing green orb in my palm and directed the two to spin around each other. “That is most impressive! I can’t wait to see what else you can do with your power, Sera Lowe.”
I felt such a sense of pride and accomplishment that I was tempted to crow about it to everyone I met. But I couldn’t deny that there was also a part of me that was desperate to know my father’s identity—and why neither my mother nor grandmother would tell me who he was? My missing father had been an open wound for most of my life; an unexplained absence that hung over every conversation my mother and I had like a dark cloud.
Now I knew why she had never told me who he was; he wasn’t human! He was fae! The revelation raised even more questions than answers, but at least now I knew where to look.
I had been so focused on my little orbs of green magic that I hadn’t noticed the fog rising around us, nor the rotting smell of dank swamp. There was a moment of silence as we both looked around, not sure what to make of things, but then Vedreel let out a low whistle.
“Uh-oh. I should have known better, encouraging you to work magic at this time of year, and so near the swamplands.”
“What is it?” I asked him, unable to take my eyes away from the black tendrils now winding around our ankles.
“We have an unwelcome visitor,” he replied.
Suddenly there was a loud boom. The dome of earth over us split open, but instead of daylight, a rolling black fog poured into the cavern.
I gasped as the fog swirled around us, and I could feel its icy tendrils reaching out to touch my skin. Vedreel stepped in front of me protectively, but it was too late—something else, something deadly, was already here.
A behemoth emerged from the fog, a giant hulking mass of blackness with glowing red eyes and razor-sharp claws, so dark I couldn’t entirely make out its form. It hissed and growled as it advanced on us, wrapped within shadows as it moved forward, its powerful tail lashing the air. I took a step back in shock, but Vedreel stood his ground, summoning up a magical shield to protect us both.