Page 23 of Wine and Gods
Blaine gave a quick nod to Jake. “Why don’t you get cleaned up and ice that jaw? Take the rest of the evening off while you’re at it.”
“That won’t be necessary, Sir. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Pardon me.” He bowed briefly at the waist and then edged around them, disappearing out of sight down the far hall toward his quarters. He could have used the main kitchen, but he no doubt wished to leave them to business.
Blaine turned his attention to Daniel, who’d recovered some of his focus, despite the pain no doubt radiating up his arm. “Let’s have a seat and discuss why you’re here, shall we?”
He didn’t wait for a response, guiding Daniel with his grip as the lesser man danced painfully around his circular charcoal couch. When Blaine rounded the edge of the couch, he tossed the brute down onto the cushions, ignoring his audible sigh of relief and the way he cradled his arm. As Chief, he could have broken it and no one would have questioned him. Daniel had gotten off light. Well, so far.
Blaine walked over to his liquor hutch and grabbed a bottle of ouzo and two shot glasses. He had a variety of other vintages, but for business, he stuck to the classics. Returning to the couch, he sat across from Daniel, placed the two shot glasses on the circular black glass coffee table between them, and poured. Daniel sat stiff-backed against the couch, eyes trained on Blaine’s every movement.
Xenia, the basic respect of a host to his guest, demanded he offer Daniel a drink before seeking answers for his rude behavior.Someonehad to set an example. Blaine lifted the shot glass in a toast to his unwelcome visitor. Daniel mirrored his behavior, and they both downed the smooth, fiery liquor in one gulp, slamming the glasses onto the table afterward.
Blaine didn’t pour them another round. Hospitality had its limits.
“Explain why you’ve been mistreating my majordomo for the past hour, Daniel.” Blaine leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees, hands clasped before him. “Impress me.”
Daniel shifted forward and placed his glass on the table. “As you’re well aware, I troll seedy clubs in the evenings, looking for opportunities to start brawls.”
Which must be why he sported an impressive black eye, something Blaine hadn’t appreciated while his focus had been on Jake. For a devotee of a war god, this must be a common sport for Daniel, but tonight, Blaine couldn’t care less to hear about his conquests. Blaine rolled his eyes and waved him on.
Daniel shook his head, his lips thinning. “Look, I hung out at Porter’s tonight. It’s a quiet place, but the city’s been boring overall for me lately. Now I’m knocking back some brews and what do I see? A new devotee sporting ink for non-initiates to see, mind you, and she’swaitressing!” His face had turned bright red, and he gripped the couch cushions like he was going to shred them.
Blaine frowned, running a finger across his lips. He cared less about her chosen profession, but showcasing her ink,thathad to be curtailed. “Did you speak to her about the markings?”
Daniel’s lips curled up in a sarcastic grin. “Oh yeah. Wetalked,” air quoting with his fingers, “all right. How long have you known me, Blaine?”
He tilted his head, confused by the question. “Ever since the followers of Ares elected you to serve on the city council as their speaker because you were the strongest amongst them. Although you were only in the sixth rank. You’ve risen to the seventh rank since then, the same as most on the council. I’ve known you for four years now.”
“Then I hope you’ll trust me when I tell you this. I swear, something is not right with her. She’s marked, but she played it like she didn’t know who I was. Whoweare. I mean, in the general sort of way.”
Blaine gave a curt shake of his head. “That’s not possible.”
Daniel shrugged. “Then she’s a talented actress, Chief, because she got me going for a minute there. I could have sworn she’d woken up marked yesterday.”
Blaine chuckled. “What’s her name and description? I’ll need to track her down, cite her, and make sure she’s on file with her local chapter house.”
“Good luck on that count. The guys at Porter’s knew her as Lola, but I doubt anyone there knows her true name or where she lives. She’s got an athletic build, not too much on top or below. Long legs, though, can’t complain there. Short, light blonde hair. Real short, like chin length. It’s all fluffy, which is in complete contrast to her hard-ass personality. Wow.” He slid his hands over his scalp like he was in pain. Not that he’d ever admit to it. The warrior male had his pride.
“Keep on track. Eyes?”
“Brown. Light brown.”
Unbidden, Blaine recalled the woman from his peculiar dream last night. Her lithe form, her light blonde hair, her sweetheart lips, and her brazen strength. Blaine smiled to himself. If only his dreams foretold the women in his life.
“Devotee marking?”
Daniel paused, his gaze drifting to the floor.
“What? If she’s not Hellene, I’ll hand her over to whichever house to dole out her punishment. I’m the city Chief. It doesn’t matter what god, goddess, or path she’s devoted to, she’s in my city, under my rule.”
Daniel nodded. “Right, it’s just I’ve never seen markings like hers and I’m not sure to whom she hails.” His words spilled out, almost unintelligible, as they tumbled over each other.
Blaine considered that among the chief strengths of Ares, wits weren’t in the top ten, unless you included battle strategy.
“Describe them to me.” Blaine poured another round of ouzo, and sipped at the glass, savoring the warmth.
Jake glided back into the room, an ice pack held to his cheek. He remained discreetly in the shadows, yet well within earshot.
Daniel downed the shot like water. “The marks were dark purple and ran across her shoulders from the nape down to at least her mid-back. Like vines, with little clusters of grapes here and there. I didn’t get a long look, mind you. It was dark, but she was wearing a tank top.”