Page 38 of Wine and Gods
Just like she suspected, he was no mere man.
Erin suspected he caused her newfound prowess, strength, and vitality, yet she did not know why, or even who, he was. Standing mere feet from him, she’d hesitate to call him human. Although he’d kissed her, Erin didn’t even know his name.
“Who are you?” Erin asked.
He stepped up to her, his height only a couple inches taller than her, for she was a tall woman and he a slight man. He reached up and pulled a leaf from her hair, tucking some wayward strands behind her ear. His gaze traveled the length of her, no doubt taking in the bloodstains on her face, clothes, and hands.
His expression turned appreciative. “I am Dionysos.”
That name rang a bell from her school days, but she couldn’t quite place it. “I’m afraid you have me at a loss, sir.”
He sighed, and if she’d known him better, Erin would have described his expression as forlorn. “I’m not surprised. The modern education system leaves much to be desired. And surely, much truth is kept from the public. From the disempowered.”
“That’s stating the obvious. So help me out. I can see you’re powerful. What Corporation do you run?”
Dionysos laughed, the deep rumble filling the glen as no man’s laugh ever would. “These modern corporations are of no concern to me.”
“What in the world are you?” Erin took a step back.
“You have nothing to fear from me, Erin. What I am is your benefactor. An ancient, powerful ally. I am one god of an age well before your time.”
His expression was serious, and yet his eyes were alight with amusement. He had to know how impossible this sounded.
“And yet, here you are,” she said.
“I’ve always been here.”
“Don’t speak in riddles. I mean, why are you herenow?” Erin made a sweeping gesture with her arm, and more leaves appeared, fluttering to the ground.
Dionysos grinned, pride welling in his eyes. “Your wildness is so captivating, and you wear it so beautifully. I really couldn’t be prouder to witness your becoming.”
Erin cocked her head to the side. “Becoming? Yeah, what did you do to me the other night?”
Dionysos paced in a circle around the fire, his eyes riveted on her. “I bequeathed on you the highest of honors.” His hands were open wide, and he made a slight bow.
Erin, filled with frustration, balled her hands into fists and stamped her foot on the ground. A shock wave of energy radiated out from where she stood. The sensation emboldened and terrified her at the same time. “I’m gonna need you to be more specific!”
He frowned. “Are you aware of those who call themselves the god-touched?”
Erin shook her head from side to side. “Maybe.”
“I’m not at all surprised. For, although they run your cities, they exist as a secret society. These individuals spend years venerating deities, often at the behest of their parents or close friends. Those who find favor with the gods are granted a sacred bond.”
“So you’re saying I’m bonded to you now?” Erin asked, and Dionysos nodded. “But I never asked for this; I never prayed to you.” She started pacing as well, unable to stand still another moment longer.
Dionysos growled. “Erin, every time you fled the city, seeking the refuge and wilderness of the woods, I heard your call. Every time you talked to the moon, I felt the indomitable nature of your spirit. And when you accepted my offering of wine the night of the bacchanal, I knew you were perfect.”
A shiver ran down Erin’s back. “But I came here to shake off the pressures of my life. To escape. There’s such freedom in these wild spaces. It’s nothing like the stifling claustrophobia I experience in the city. I knew nothing of your presence here. I came here for myself.”
Dionysos shrugged. “The path to the divine is personal and distinct for each being.”
Erin barked out a laugh. “That sounds like metaphysical crap. This is all so implausible. It’s laughable.”
“And yet, despite the impossibilities, I have made you limitless!” Dionysos declared.
Erin bolted toward him and slapped Dionysos across the face, drawing blood as her nails scraped his skin.
The god was unphased. “This is the greatest honor I can bestow, and I have given it to you.”